ASTM D5579:19 pdf download

ASTM D5579:19 pdf download

ASTM D5579:2019 pdf download.Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Thermal Stability of Manual Transmission Lubricants in a Cyclic Durability Test.
9.2.7 Transmission Coast Down Measurement—With the drive shaft installed but before attaching the top cover, measure the time for the countcrshafts to coast down from 1500 r/min to 500 r/min. as follows: Shift the transmission into low range. Using a spray bottle charged with the next test oil, spray approximately ½ oz (15 mL) lubricant on each of the main shaft, tail shaft, and six countershaft hearings. Start the drive motor and bring up to speed (countershaft at 1750 r/min). Turn off the motor and allow the transmission to coast down to at least 500 r/min. Electronically measure the Lime required for the countershafis speeds to decrease from 1500 rAnin to 500 rAnin using a meter capable of measuring to 0.01 s. See Table I for a recommendation. Repeat the coast downs until live readings have been obtained. Calculate the average of these five readings, and record the readings and their average in the appropriate spaces in Fig.
10. HTCT-specitic Calibration and Standardization Items
(See Annex A 2 for general calibration and sicmnclardication
10. 1 Transmission and Test Stand calibration—Calibrate transmission and test stands by running tests on reference oils. The purposes are to:
10.1.1 Verify standardized transmission operation,
10.1.2 Document a test stand severity level, and
10. 1 .3 Determine the passing limit for a given transmission and test stand.
10.2 Reference Oils—Two reference oils have been used in the development of this test method, a high-quality (passing) and a poor-quality (failing) oil. Routine testing is conducted on the passing oil. The failing oil is used to verify that test severity is maintained when new hardware is introduced or a procedural change could affect severity or when a new stand is being calibrated for the first time. Obtain the reference oils from the
10.3 Reference Oil Test Frequencv—The test stand calibration period is defined as six months or ten tests, whichever occurs first. It begins on the completion date of an operationally and statistically acceptable reference oil test as determined by the TMC. Any test started on or before the stand calibration expiration date is defined to have been run on a calibrated stand.
10.3.1 New Laboratory Definition—A new laboratory is any laboratory that has never previously calibrated a test stand under this test method.
10.3.2 New Stand Definition—A new stand is a test cell and support hardware which has never previously been calibrated under this test method.
10.4 Instrumentation calibration—Calibrate the following instrumentation immediately prior to each set of reference tests. Unless otherwise specifIed in this test method, follow the instructions provided by the manufacturers of the instruments regarding the method of calibration.