ASTM B865:20 pdf download

ASTM B865:20 pdf download

ASTM B865:20 pdf download.Standard Specification for Precipitation Hardening Nickel-Copper-Aluminum Alloy Bar, Rod, Wire, Forgings, and Forging Stock. Product (check) analysis shall be wholly the responsibility of the purchaser.
9.2.2 Mechanical Properties—Samples of the material to provide lest specimens for mechanical properties shall be taken from such locations in each lot as to be representative of that
9.2.3 Uiiaged Material—For material ordered in the unaged condition, one test specimen shall be taken from each lot as defined in 9.1.2. The specimen shall be obtained from the actual material to be shipped or from a forged test coupon when applicable. The specimen shall be aged. or annealed and aged. as required by either applicable Table 5 or Table 6. Tests need not be repeated when unaged material from the same heat can be identified with a lot that has been tested in the specified condition and found to meet the requirements of this specification.
10. Number of Tests
10.1 chemical Analysis—One test per lot.
10.2 Tension—One test per lot.
10.3 Hardness—One test per lot.
11. Specimen Preparation
I I . I Rod and Bar:
II . I. I Tension test specimens shall be taken from material in the final condition and tested in the direction of fabrication.
ii .1.2 All rod, bar, and wire shall be tested in full cross section size when possible. When a full cross section size test cannot be performed, the largest possible round specimen shown in Test Methods ES shall he used. Longitudinal strip specimens shall be prepared in accordance with Test Methods ES for rectangular bar up to 1/2 in. (12.7 mm). inclusive, in thicknesses that are too wide to be pulled l’ull size.
11.1.3 Forging stock test specimens shall he taken from a forged-down coupon or a sample taken directly from stock.
11 .2 Foiçings:
11 .2. 1 The tension test specimen representing each lot shall be taken from a forging or from a test prolongation.
11 .2.2 The axis of the specimen shall he located at any point midway between the center and the surface of solid forgings and at any point midway between the inner and outer surfaces of the wall of hollow forgings. and shall be parallel to the direction of greatest metal flow.
11.2.3 The specimens shall be the largest possible round type as prescribed in Test Methods ES.
11.3 Hardness test specimens shall be taken from material in the final condition.
Non I—In order that the hardness determinations may he in reasonably close agreement, the following procedures are recommended:
(1) For rod less than ½ in. (12.7 mm) in diameter, hardness readings shall be taken on a flat surface prepared by filing or grinding approximately 16 in. (1.6 mm) 1mm the outside surface of the rod.
(2) For rod ½ in. (1 2.7 mm) in diameter and larger, and for hexagonal. square, and rectangular bar, all sizes, hardness readings shall be taken on a cross section midway between the surface and center of the Section.