ASTM A579:17 pdf download

ASTM A579:17 pdf download

ASTM A579:17 pdf download.Standard Specification for superstrength Alloy Steel Forgings.
6.4.2 Except as specified herein, tests for acceptance shall he made after heat treatment has been completed.
6.4.3 When mutually agreed upon between manufacturer and purchaser, test specimens may be machined from a specially forged block suitably worked and heat treated with the production forgings. Such a special block shall be obtained from an ingot, slab, or billet from the same heat used to make the forgings it represents. This block shall receive essentially the same type of hot working and forging reduction as the production forgings; however, a longitudinally forged bar with dimensions not less than Thy Tby 3Tmay he used to represent a ring forging. The dimension T shall he representative of the heaviest effective cross section of the forging. For quenched and tempered forgings for which tests are required at both ends by and, separately forged test blocks are not allowed.
NOTE i—In using separately torged lest blocks, attention is drawn to the eftèct of mass diflrences between the production forgings and the test blocks.
6.5 Specific Requirements—The number and location of tests are based on forging length, weight, and heat treatment, and shall he as prescribed below. The length and weight to he used for this purpose shall he the shipped length and weight of forgings produced individually or the aggregate shipped length and weight of all pieces cut from a multiple forging.
6.5. 1 Stress Relieved, Annealed Solution, treated, Solution Treated and Aged, Normal or Normalized, and Tempered Forg ings: For forgings weighing 5000 lb [2250 kg] or less at the time of heat treatment, one tension test shall be taken from one forging per heat in each heat-treatment charge. When heat treatment is performed in continuous-type furnaces with suitable temperature controls and equipped with recording pyrometers so that complete heat-treatment records are available, a tempering charge may be considered as any continuous run not exceeding an 8-h period. For forgings and forged bars weighing over 5000 lb [2250 kg] at the time of heat treatment, one tension test shall be taken from each forging.
6.5.2 Quenched and Tempered Forgings: For quenched and tempered forgings weighing 5000 lb [2250 kg] or less at the time of heat treatment. hut not exceeding 12 ft [3.7 ml in length, one tension test shall he taken from one forging per heat in each heat-treatment charge. When heat treatment is performed in continuous-type furnaces with suitable temperature controls and equipped with recording pyrometers so that complete heat treatment records are available, a tempering charge may be considered as any continuous run not exceeding an 8-h period.