UL 252:2017 free download

UL 252:2017 free download

UL 252:2017 free download Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies
1.1 Scope.
This standard prescribes standardized fre and hose stream test procedures that apply to fre door assemblies intended to be used to retard the spread of fre through door openings in fre-resistive walls.
1.2 Purpose.
1.2.1 The purpose of this standard is to prescribe specifc fre and hose stream test procedures for fre door assemblies in order to standardize a method for determining the degree of fre protection provided by such assemblies in retarding the spread of fre (fame, heat, and hot gases) through door open‐ ings in fre-resistive walls.
1.2.2 The degree of fre protection measured in units of time is not an absolute value because all possible actual fre scenar‐ ios are not represented by the standard fre exposure described herein.
1.2.3 This standard allows different fre door assemblies to be compared with each other in order to evaluate their relative performance as measured against a standard fre exposure.
1.3 Application.
1.3.1 This standard is intended to evaluate the ability of a door assembly to remain in a wall opening during a prescribed fre test exposure, which is then followed by the application of a prescribed hose stream.
1.3.2 Tests conducted as described in these standard test methods measure the performance of fre door assemblies during the test exposure and develop data that enable regula‐ tory bodies to require fre door assemblies for use in wall open‐ ings where fre protection is required.
1.3.3 The tests described in these standard test methods expose a specimen to a standard fre exposure that is control‐ led to achieve specifed temperatures throughout a specifed time period, which is then followed by the application of a specifed standard hose stream. The fre exposure, however, is not representative of all fre conditions, which vary with changes in the amount, nature, and distribution of fre loading, ventilation, compartment size and confguration, and heat sink characteristics of the compartment. The fre exposure does, however, provide a relative measure of the performance of fre door assemblies under these specifed fre exposure conditions. Similarly, the hose stream exposure is not represen‐ tative of all applications of actual hose streams used by a fre department during fre suppression efforts
1.3.4 Any variation from, or change to, the construction or conditions of the door assembly as tested can change the performance characteristics of the fre door assembly.
1.3.5 These tests shall not be construed as determining the suitability of fre door assemblies for continued use after expo‐ sure to real fres.
1.3.6 This standard shall not be used to provide the following:
(1) Full information regarding the performance of specifc fre door assemblies where installed in walls constructed of materials other than those tested
(2) Evaluation of the degree to which the fre door assembly contributes to the fre hazard by generation of smoke, toxic gases, or other products of combustion
(3) Measurement that determines a limit on the number and size of vision panels permitted or the number and size of lateral openings permitted between the door and frame
(4) Measurement of the fre door assembly’s ability to control or limit the passage of smoke or similar products of combustion through the assembly
(5) Measurement that determines a specifc temperature limit on the unexposed surface of the fre door assembly Chapter
2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General. The documents or portions thereof listed in this chapter are referenced within this standard and shall be considered part of the requirements of this document.