API PUBL 7105:1997 pdf download

API PUBL 7105:1997 pdf download

API PUBL 7105:1997 pdf download.Probabillistic Estimates of Dose and Indoor Radon Concentrations Attributable to Remediated Oilfield Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM).
The objective of the work described in this report was to prepare a brief technical analysis of the radium concentration limit of 30 pCi/g in pipe scale and sludge left near the surface of remedLared oil field sites and returned to unrestricted public ;cx Analysis of this limit was based on modelling of the potential transfer of radioactivity through environmental pathways and of potential exposures to people using the remediated oil field site Estimated exposures and doses were compared to regulatory limits and guidelines. This doauncnt may also save as the basis for discussion on limits with state regulators, for example concerning pan N of the drah recommendations from the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD).
The scope of work induded an assessment of potential dose and indoor radon concentration from radioactivity in pipe scale and sludge to users of remediated pits. tank battery sites, and land farms. The assessment considered existing sites and future sites that have been and will be remediated under the criterion that all material containing Ra-226 at concentrations greater than 30 pCiIg will be disposed by alternate means. Therefore, potential doses from NORM containing Ra-226 concentrations in excess of 30 pCiIg were beyond die scope of this report. in this assessment, an estimated distribution of radium concentration in waste (based on Otto’s data 1989), ranging from 30 pCiIg down to natural background levels, was induded as an integral component of die pathways and exposure models. This fundamental difference in waste characterization sets this assessmern apart from all previous work. The probabilistic method used fur cakiilañng the potential doses and indoor radon concentrations are consistent with the new policy announced by EPA’s Science Pohci Council in February 1997 which recommends application of these mediocis.
To estimate potential doses to members oldie public and indoor radon concentrations to whidi they may be exposed, a three stage approach was used: (I) radioactive source (NORM) diaracrerizacion; (2) screening ass’menc of pocencisi exposure pathways by deterministic methods to identify those pathways which contribute the largest dose; and. (3) assessment of the major contributing exposure pathways by probabilistic methods to estimate the potential doses and indoor radon concentrations, and the variability in these estimates.
A computerized literature seardi was carried out to identify information that would be useful to this study. Copies of potentially useful information that were nor available at SENES were requested from the American Petroleum Institute and its members, or directly from the authors.