API RP 51:2001 pdf download

API RP 51:2001 pdf download

API RP 51:2001 pdf download.Onshore Oil and Gas Production Practices for Protection of the Environment.
Since imich of the work on producing and injection wells is performed by contract or service company personnel, the operating company should confirm that the contractor’s personnel have appropriate safety training. including hazard communication trainmg. and are aware of requirements of the site specific waste management plan. Consideration should also be given to requiring performance bonds, if appropriate. The operator should also confirm that the contractor’s personnel are aware of all applicable safety and environmental requiremenis of the operator.
6.1.2 EquIpment Selection
Temporary equipment required to carry out well completion and workover operations should be included in the overall operation plan. Equipment should he installed in a manner so as to utilize the smallest practical area for prudent operations. Equipment should be maintained to present an acceptable appearance.
6.1.3 Producing wells should completed so production zones and drinking waters zones are isolated and cannot be contantinated by other formations.
The well must be cased and cemented properly to provide this protection.
6.1.4 Injection/Disposal wells should be completed so the injected fluids enter the desired formations and do not enter other Ibrmat ions or drinking water tones.
Typical i*ctions arc completed with three levels of pr tectiofl for drinking water fbrmations:
I. Surface Casing and Cement.
2. Long String Casing and Cement.
3. Tubing and Packer.
Also, the area around the injection should be reviewed to see of any wells (active, inactive or abandoned were drilled through the injection/disposal zone. If wells were drilled close to the injection/disposal well that penetrated the injection/disposal formation and those wells did not isolate those zones, the injected fluids could flow from the injection zone through the improperly plugged or completed well to other oil and gas zones or drinking water tones.
6.1.5 Remedial Cementing
6.1.6 Selection, Use, and Storage of Fuels and Completion Fluids
Completion fluid selection should take into account the safety and logistics of transporting, handling, storing, and disposing of clean and contaminated fluid.
For both p,r and existing welisites, all fuels, treatment chemicals, completion brines, and other similar liquids should be properly stored in labeled containers intended for that purpose. Containment should be constructed so spilled fuels or chemicals do not reach the ground.
Wherever practical. tanks cc existing drilling pits should be used for completion and workover operations. Completion brincs and other potential pollutants should be kept in lined pits. steel pits, or storage tanks. If a new earthen pit is necessary. it should be constructed in a manner that prevents contamination of soils, surface water, and groundwater. both during the construction process. during the lik of the pit and after the pit is closcd. Consideration should be given to the use of tanks or lined pits to protect soil and groundwater. especially ftr brines and oil-based fluids.