AS 5044.1:2010 pdf – AGLS Metadata Standard Part 1: Reference description

AS 5044.1:2010 pdf – AGLS Metadata Standard Part 1: Reference description

AS 5044.1:2010 pdf – AGLS Metadata Standard Part 1: Reference description.
(b) title: and
(c) date (or a related property).
In the case of date, this Standard specifies that the date property or at least one of the related available, created. dateCopyrighted. dateLicensed. issued, modified or valid properties must appear in a metadata description to be a valid instance of date.
5.2.3 Conditional properiws
Three AGLS properties are conditional and must be present tinder certain circumstances. The conditional properties are
(a) availability (mandatory for oflhine resources):
(b) identifier (mandatory for online resources): and
(c) publisher (mandatory for in format ion resources)
In the case of identifier and availability, at least one of those two properties must appear in a metadata description depending on the nature of the resource. If the resource is only available online. the identifier property must he used. If the resource is only available oIfline. the availability property must be used. If the resource is available both online and offline. both properties may he used.
The publisher property must be used for descriptions of information resources (it is optional for descriptions of services).
5.2.4 Recommended properlies
Five AGLS properties are recommended. There may be valid reasons in particular circumstances not to include these properties. but the full implications must he understood and carefully weighed. The recommended properties are—
(a) description:
(b) function (if subject is not used):
(c) language (shcrc the language of the resource is not English):
(d) subject (if function is not used): and
(e) type.
In the case of subject and function, this Standard recommends that at least one of those tso properties should appear in a inetadata description.
The language property should be used where the described resource is in a language other than English.
[he use of recommended properties should be consistent when describing collections of similar or related resources.
5.2.5 Oplional properises
All other properties are optional.
5.3 Agent and availability metadata terms
These sets of terms may be used for richer descriptions of’ agents (people or organizations) and the availability of offline services than is possible using the AgisAgent and AglsAvail syntax encoding schemes. The terms can be used in related descriptions according to theDublin Core Abstract Model. This is particularly useful for metadata records encoded ineXtensible Markup Language (XML) or Resource Description Framework (RDF). Standalone descriptions of agents and availability serve as metadata records in their own right,and can be referenced from other resource descriptions as required using URIs.
Descriptions of agents can be referenced in the creator,contributor,publisher and rights Holder properties.Descriptions of availability can be referenced from the availability property.