API MPMS 4.9.1:2005 pdf download

API MPMS 4.9.1:2005 pdf download

API MPMS 4.9.1:2005 pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 4- Proving Systems Section 9- -Methods of Calibration for Displacement and Volumetric Tank Provers Part 1- -Introduction to the Determination of the Volume of Displacement and Tank Provers.
1.0 Introduction
Prover,, are precision devices, defined as uiiietric standard,,, which are used to venfy the accuracy of liquid volumetric iiieters used for custody transfer measurement. Both displacement and tank provers arc used tO prove a mctCr in order to ohtain itS mcter factor, which is then used to correct for meter error caused by differences between the nwlered volume and the true volunie. The base volume of a displacemeffi or tank proser, tktcrniincd by calibration. is an e,,sentLal requirement in the detemunation ot these mctcr factors. The accuracy of a meter factor is limited by several consictcrations. as shown bclow.
• Equipment Performance
• Ohscrvation Errors
• Prover Volume Calibration En-or,,
• Calculation Errors
All proser ,luines used to calibrate meter, ‘.haIl be deteriiiiiied by calibration iuid not by tlwvireticul Iculatispi., ‘olunwtjw proven have an exact reference volume, which ha.s been determined by a recognized method of calibration. Techniques trw the determinatsin of this reference volume include the wateniraw, master meter and gravimeiric niethods of calibration. Parts 2, 3 and 4 (currently under drvekment i of this standard t API MPMS Chapter 4, Section 9f are used to accurately dciemiinc the calihratcd volume of meter pmvcrs
This standard presents both International Syslem(Sl and U.S. Customary diSC) units, and may he implemented in either system of units. The System of units to be used is rspically determined by contract. regulatory requirement. the manufacturer, or the user’s calibration program. Once a system of units Is chosen for a given application, it is not the intent of this standard to allow the arbitrary changing of units within this standard.
Throughout this document Lssues of traceability are addressed by references to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). However, other appropriate national metrology institutes can be referenced.
There is no intent to cover safety aspects of conducting the work described in this standard, and it is the duty of the user to be familiar with all applicable safe work p dices. Ii is also the duty of the user to comply with all existing federal, slate or local regulatitms (for example. the Occupational Safety and Health Adniinisuation) that govern the types of aetivilies described in this standard, and to he familiar with all such safely and health regulations.
2.0 Scope
Chapter 4. Section 9 covers all the procedures required to detcnninc the field data neees..ary to calculate a Ha.sc Prover cnlume BPV of either Displacement Provers or Volumetric Tank Provers. It ill enable the user to perform all the activities necessat to prepare the prover, conduct calibration runs, and record all the required data neces.sanj to calculate the base volumes of displacement and tank provers. Evaluation of the results and troubleshooting of many calibration problems arc aLso discussed.