API MPMS 4.9.2:2005 pdf download

API MPMS 4.9.2:2005 pdf download

API MPMS 4.9.2:2005 pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 4- -Proving Systems Section 9- -Methods of Calibration for Displacement and Volumetric Tank Provers Part 2- -Determination of the Volume of Displacement and Tank Provers by the Waterdraw Method of Calibration.
5.0 Prover Cleaning And Preparation
The prover and its ausiliary piping shall be isolated from all operating systems by either physical isolation with blinds, blind flanges. blanks, spectacles or double bkwk and bleed valses to separate it 1mm the upstream and downstream operating line pressues and products. A complete visual inspection should be made of the entire prover system to assure that the system is properly isolated.
New or repaired proven arc generally hydrostatically tested prior to placing into senice. When a hydrostatic test is required. it shall be conducted prior to the waterdrass calibration, This ensures that the calibrated volume will not be altered by permanent pipe espansion. subsequent tightening of flanges. etc. Piston prosers shall be waterdrawn using the same piston design and seals, hotls material and style. that are utili,ed in the prover’s normal meter proving operation. Substitution of spheres for the piston during calibration shall not be allowed.
Connections to pipe work or Ilesible hoses are required hr water circulation through the proser. These are typically 2 in. threaded connections, which should he as close to the calibrated section as practical. Ill vents and drains are being considered hr water- draw connections, their location should etsure that all the water used in the calibration will be circulated through the entire prosing system. This is necessary to maintain constant temperature in the calibration water.) Adequate water flow is required to launch the displacer in a pipe prover.
High point sent valves should he inspected. If damaged. defective or leaking they should he repaired or replaced prior to the calibration. Vent valves, in good working order, are necessary for all prover calibrations, to ensure that all air or vapor has been vented from the prover prior to the start of each caliheation pass.
Before a proser calibration, all relief valves should he removed, checked for leakage, repaired and re-calibrated as necessary If in place during the prover calibration then the relief valses should be isolated. If not isolated they must he disconnected From the drain system and regular visual checks for any leakage shall he made.
Iain valves, either on the prover itself, or in manifolds and pipe-work connected to the prover hut not isoLated hum it, must all he inspected for leakage and either sealed off or left uncoupled to enable a visual deteuttitsation of any leakage during the calibration ruts.
(‘alihration of a prover with the sphere launching interchange or four-way valve isolated does not verif the integrity of operation of the complete prosing system. Rather, it sinsply calibrates the volume contained in a pipe between two switches, which nsay or may not he acceptable to all the parties concerned.
Depending upon the type of prover to he calihrated the fOllowing operations should be performed.