API Publ 2217A:1997 pdf download

API Publ 2217A:1997 pdf download

API Publ 2217A:1997 pdf download.Guidelines for Work in Inert Confined Spaces in the Petroleum Industry.
3.9 upper flammable limit (UFL): Maximum concentration of a vapor in air (or other oxidant) above which propagation of flame does not occur on contact with an ignition source. The upper flammable limit is usually expressed as a volume percentage of the vapor in air. IThis definition is based on the definitions of flammable (explosive) limits given in NFPA 325M.I
3.10 pyrophoric: Designates a material that may spontaneously ignite upon exposure to oxygen (air).
3.11 material safety data sheet (MSDS): Written or printed material concerning a hazardous chemical and prepared in accordance with OSHA 29 Code of Federal Regulations Part l9lO.l2(). An MSDS provides data on physical properties, safely, fire, and health for a particular chemical or substance.
3.12 entry supervisor: The person (such as the employer, foreman, or crew chief) responsible for determining if acceptable entry conditions are present at a confined space where entry is planned, for authorizing entry and overseeing entry operations, and for terminating entry.
Ni*e: An entry supervisor also may scrve as an attcndant cii as an auihonzed cn(rafl. as long as that peocin is trained and equipped as required by this scclion tar each role he cii she fills. A1s. the duties of entry supervisor may he passed from one indisidual to another during the course of an entry operation. From 29 Ct4e of Federal Rn,gtauiwns 191(L146.)
4 Administrative Controls
Each employer whose employees perform confined space work in inert atmospheres shall establish and maintain written procedures and a system of authority and responsibility for controlling work in and near these confined spaces. As a minimum, the written procedures shall:
a. Be approved by facility management and identify who will authorize inert confined space entry.
b. Require that the entrants, entry supervisor, and rescuers be identified. (See 4.2.)
c. Provide for a written confined space entry permit.
d. Require all involved personnel to be trained in the hazards present in confined spaces with inert atmospheres.
e. Require all involved personnel o be trained in the use of proper equipment. procedures, and safeguards for their protection.
f. Establish a procedure to ensire that training for all personnel is current before the start of each job.
g. Establish the requirements for a pre-b lanning conference that involves representatives of those plant operations affected by the entry to review the written pi’ocedures. supervisory responsibilities, work to be performed.