API Publ 339:1997 pdf download

API Publ 339:1997 pdf download

API Publ 339:1997 pdf download.MANAGEMENT OF RESIDUAL MATERIALS: 1995.
It became apparit durmg the proparation of the 1995 survey that several aspects of prior years’ surveys had beon interpreted ãconsigaIy by rcspcmdits. For exançle, while many facilities had properly rqorted the quantity of residuals that remained after dewatering as that WhiCh was subsequently managed, other facilities had additionally listed the quantities and disposition of the recovered oil and water. This resulted in such curious responses as showing pnmwy sludge, which is a residual removed from the wastewater plant, as being managed by wastewater treatment, which would inly that it was managed by returning it to the wastewater plant. In actuality, it was not the pnniary sludge residual that was managed by was Ic water treatment, but rather it was water recovered from a dewatering process This same water may then be bound in more primary sludge and agam removed by dewatering and recycled back to the wastewater plant. The quantities of the dewatered streams, then, were being distorted by recovered oil and water which were cycled within the facility, in addition to the actual residual quantities that were managed This ear’s survey specified that only the quantity of residual remaining after dewatering was to be reported, without the recovered water or oil, thus providing for a consistent basis of response and more accurately reflecting quantities of residuals managed.
The quantity reported fix each stream, then, was that remaining after any dewatenng of the sludge For those streams that are not defined as RCRA-hsted hazardous wastes, the quantity may include both hazardous and nonhazardous materials. Where it was determined that a facility had reported both the quantity of material that was treated and the quantity that was disposed of after treatment, only the quantity treated was included in the analysis.
The reporting units of wet tons indicate that the stream volumes are taken in their as-managed condition, rather than on a dry-solids basis. While residuals that have been dewatered will have a higher percent- solids content than if they had not been dewatered, they may nevertheless include a siiificant amount of water
It was determined that respondents previously had different interpretations of the definitions of the individual residual streams. In order to facilitate consistency of response, definitions were added to the 1995 survey as pop up messages attached to buttons on the survey form, as shown in the following figure.