API Publ 340:1997 pdf download

API Publ 340:1997 pdf download

API Publ 340:1997 pdf download.Liquid Release Prevention and Detection Measures for Aboveground Storage Facilities.
Sections 4 through 8 discuss the different components of aboveground storage facilities — the tanks, piping, loading/unloading areas, ancillary equipment, and operating system. Each section contains two tables outlining:
• Release scenarios and available control measures
• References and advantages/disadvantages for the control measures
The information contained in the tables is presented in the following manner:
Release Scenarios — Part One
The first table in each section lists the predominant sources of releases for the facility component and also gives the major causes. For example, tank overfill is a type of release that can occur in aboveground tanks. There are two primary causes of tank overfill: human error and equipment failure. The table lists various control measures available to prevent such releases and labels each measure according to its ability to prevent or detect a release or to protect the environment should the release occur. Additionally, the first table gives information on relative retrofit costs for existing facilities, as well as operation and maintenance costs for the control measures.
Control Measures — Parr Two
The second table provides more detailed information on the control measures listed in the first table. It lists available industry publications or standards that can be referenced for additional information. The more significant advantages and disadvantages of each control measure are given. The table also gives information on operation and maintenance considerations related to the application and/or instalLation of each control measure.
The cost information in the tables is a relative indicator of the expense associated with the application of the particular control measure. ft is provided to give the reader some understanding of costs when comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various control measures within each table.
When refemng to the cost column in the table, the reader should note that:
• This document will be most widely used for existing AST facilities: therefore, references to installation costs refer to the cost of modifying an existing facility. Typically, installation costs for new facilities are less than the costs required to retrofit existing systems.
• Where new construction costs are substantially less than the cost required to retrofit an existing facility, a footnote is provided in the table.
• Operation and maintenance costs refer to the ongoing costs required for a control measure after installation.
• Costs for control measures are intended to represent relative ranges for comparable alternatives and are designated as low, medium, high, or very high. In general, a control measure referenced multiple times within a table will have the same relative cost. For example, in Table 4-1, Operator Training is listed as a control measure option for Slow Releases and Rapid Shell Failure; in both cases, the retrofit cost is low and the operations and maintenance cost is medium.’