API Publ 345:1998 pdf download

API Publ 345:1998 pdf download

API Publ 345:1998 pdf download.MANAGEMENT OF RESIDUAL MATERIALS: 1996.
Eveiy resjxridthg facility indicated that its wastewater is treated prior to discharge. All of the 79 responding facilities reported having primary oil-water separation equipnL, with 57 indicating that they use an API Separator. The rinmg 22 faal’ties hsted various types of equipmont for primary separation, with the most frequont nticzi being a corrugated plate interceptor. A new question in the 1996 survey asks whether the faolity distharges to a pubhdy.owned trcabrt works (POVN), a joint treatnit faality (ie., a privately-owned wastewater tretmt shared by multiple users), or iithei. This question allows a determination of whether the onsite treamalt is pretreatinont prior to additional trea offsite, or is the conlete eatzna process for the faality’s wastewater. The schematic in Figure 8 (on the following page) illustrates the distribution of equipment in the wastewater treatn1t faalities, as well as indicating whether efflrt discharged prior to advanced treatnwit is sent to another treatment facility.
Three facilities reported hawngprnnaiy separation only, two of which discharge to a P01W. An additional eight facilities reported disdraiging after secondary separation, of which six discharge to a P01W and one to a joint Lreth’1t facility. Of the rtim2inin 67 facilities, 64 have some form of bireatment and the three withont biotreatment have some fonn of advanced treatn. Thus 77 of the 79 facilities (97%) report having biotreatment and/or advanced treatment, or discharging to anc4her facility for further trestn.
The mest comni equipnt configuration (reported by 62% of respondents) includes primary separation, gas fletaticm, and biotreatment. The following list surmnarizes the responses.
The survey previously sought to diffeitiate among stormwater, process wastewater, and combined flow by a&ing for infonnaticn on holding struures for segregated sewers separately from couiined sewers. This question was revised in the 1996 survey to ask what peromt of the facility is served by segregated sewers. In addition, the 1996 survey asks whether the uent paraners were measured at the discharge from the wastewater treatment plant, or for the aanbned cksehaige of wastewater and untreated stormwater.