API Publ 4645:1997 pdf download

API Publ 4645:1997 pdf download

To the extent possible, representative data are data generated specifically for the United States petroleum industry, rather than extrapolated from other industries or other countries. In addition, data should represent emissions in the United States by accounting for equipment types and operational practices specific to the United States. For example, the activity factor should be based on 1990 production rates andlor equipment populations in the U.S. petroleum industry. Likewise, emission factors should account for regional operating differences and pollution control devices commonly used in 1990.
Unfortunately, most of the reports reviewed did not attempt to account for regional differences in operating practices. The GRI/EPA reports did include these considerations in estimating emissions for the natural gas industry, but the regional differences for oil production may differ. The remaining data sources attempt to make generalizations about emission factors such that they can be applied nationally. The intent of this project is to update emissions presented in the earlier API reports (Radian, 1991; Radian. 1992). Generating emissions based on regional differences, or determining equipment specific emission factors to the level of detail used in the GRI!EPA study, is beyond the scope of this report.
In general, most of the estimates from the reports reviewed are representative, in that they deal with the petroleum industry and are based on emission estimates derived from United States data. For example, the IPCC manual is designed for use by any country, but default emission factors are taken from United States sources. Likewise, the E&P Forum report is published by an international organization and provides emission data from many different countries, but emissions are provided specifically for the United States. The total carbon dioxide emission estimate from the E&P Forum report, however, is based on the production of both oil and gas in the United States. No overall estimate is provided specific to the oil industry in the E&P Forum report.