API PUBL 4653:1997 pdf download

API PUBL 4653:1997 pdf download

Emissions Screening Procedures
All components induded in the inventory were screened using commercially available
portable hydrocarbon monitoring instruments that met the following requirements of
EPA Method 21 — TMDetermination of Volatile Organic Compounds Leaks:
1. The instruments had flame ionization detectors (FID);
2. The instruments responded to hydrocarbons in concentration between 1 arid 100,000 ppmv in air and the instrument output was readable within 2.5 percent;
3. The probe tips did not exceed 0.25 inches in outside diameter;
4. The instruments contained electrically driven pumps that sampled between 0.1 and 3.0 liters per minute;
5. The instruments were intrinsically safe; and
6. The sampling configuration used with the instruments responded to hydrocarbons within 5 seconds.
All portable detection Instruments were calibrated daily with 10,000 ppmv and 100 (or 40) ppmv methane-in-air calibration gases Screening was conducted as dose to the surface of the components as possible without fouling the sample inlet or restricting flow to the instrument. This was done by attaching small-diameter flexible tubing directly to the instrument inlet. During screening, the sample inlet of the tube was shielded to minimize the effects of wind (if any).
All instrument screening values higher than background were recorded. When a component was found to be emitting hydrocarbons, the highest point of emissions was found and the sampling tube inlet was left at that point for a minimum of 15 seconds (more than twice the response time). The highest reading obtained for each component was recorded. Readings between I and 100,000 ppmv were determined from the voltage output of the instruments. No dilution techniques were employed to extend the range above 100,000 ppmv.
The number of equipment components in each category were recorded. All instrument screening values (SV) above background were recorded as were the related background readings.
Development of Emissions Factors
Component emissions were calculated tar light crude oil pipelines, heavy crude oil pipelines, and product pipelines using the 1995 EPA default zero factors, correlation equations, and pegged source factors (100.000 pprnv). Enwssions from components with screening values equal to background were calculated using the default zero factors. Emissions from components with screening values above background but less than 100.000 ppmv were calculated usng correlation equations. The measured screening values were corrected for background if the background was 5% or more of the measured screening values. Emissions from components that pegged the portable detection instrument at 100,000 ppmv were calcuLated using the pegged source factors.
Emission factors were calculated by adding the emissions from the three screening value ranges and dividing the sum by the total number of components.
Calculation of Site Specific Emissions
Two methods were used to calculate emissions from individual sites. The first method used the actual screening values found at each site and the 1995 EPA default zero factors, correlation equations, and pegged source factors. The second method used the component inventofles and the emission factors developed in this study. The predictions of the two methods were compared.