API Publ 4720:2002 pdf download

API Publ 4720:2002 pdf download

API Publ 4720:2002 pdf download.Comparison of API and EPA Toxic Air Pollutant Emission Factors for Combustion Sources.
PES used the most recent updates to AP-42. including the two sections published in April and July 2(100. in the analyses described earlier in ibis report. Sections 1.3 (fuel oil-bred boilersheaterit and 14 (gas-tired boiIcrsbeaicmi were last updated in 19911 to include emission test icsults conducted by F.PRI as part of the CAA-mandated electric utility HAP study. Information submitted by indusny dunng the Industrial Combustion Coortiinatcd Rulemaking (ICCR efforts has been incorporated into the natural gas section but not into the fuel oil section, Section 3.1 (gas turbines) was updated using test reports submitted by industry during the ICUR efti’ts and test reports gathered by the Slates of Wisconsin and Calif?irnia. Section 3.2 gas-fired reciprocating engines) was updated using test reports submitted by industry during the ICCR efforts. EPA-sponsored emission testing conducted at Colorado State Univemity. and from a report recently published by the Gus Technology Institute.
PES contacted EPA’s F,mission Factor and Inventory Group to determine whether FPA was currently working on updating any of the relevant combustion sections of AP-42. EPA indicated that there is no work currently active on any of the combustion sections of’ AP-42. but that it is considering reviewing Sections 1.3 and 1.4 in the near future.
As part of the ICCR efforts. EPA compiled emission test databases for gas tuibines. reciprocating engines. boilers, and heaters. EPA recently uscd the ICCR databases In update the emission factors in Sections 3.1 gas turbines) and 3.2 (gas- fired reciprocating engines). EPA has not used the ICCR databases for boilers and heaters to update Sections 1,3 (fuel oil- fired hoiIershcaici.i and 1.4 Igas-Jired hoilers’heatcrs). Based upon PF.S’ and F,.ER’s5 review of the ICCR databases, it appears that there is informarion in the databases that can be used to verify published factois or till in existing gaps. For example. the ICCR database contains M test runs for naphthalene from boilers firing fuel oil, whereas the AP-42 emission factor was based on 30 test runs and the API factor was based on oniy six test runs. For dioxins from boilers tiring fuel oil. the ICCR database contains 12 test runs, whereas AP-42 does not base an emission factor and the API factor was based on only three test runs. The ICCR database dues not appear to have any iniunflaLion on dioxin emissions from natural gas- fired boilersheaters.
In 1992, The Petroleum F.nvironmenial Research Forum (PF.RFI initiated Cooperative Research and Development Agreement CRADA) to study about 60 target compound emissions from full-scale industrial burners. Sonic of the PERF results have been published6-7. However, the first time any of the tullscaIe data will become publicly available will be the 3rd quarter of the year 2000. The main finding of the PERF research was that organic HAP emissions hum ga.s’fired burners are very low over a wide range of design and operating conditions. The PERF data can potentially be used to verify published factors or till in existing gaps in organic HAP emission factors.