API RP 13L:2003 pdf download

API RP 13L:2003 pdf download

API RP 13L:2003 pdf download.Recommended Practice for Training and Qualification of Drilling Fluid Technologists.
3 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations
3.1.1 breadth: The basic knowledge common to all areas of dnlling fluids technology needed by all drilling fluids technologists to demonstrate minimum competency.
3.1.2 depth: The knowledge acquired by all drilling fluids technologists following 4 —6 years of practical experience.
3.1.3 drIlling fluids engineer: A drilling fluids tcchnologisi with an engineering &gree from an accredited university.
3.1.4 drilling fluids technician: An individual skilled in the art of testing drilling fluids in the field or the laboratory.
3.1.5 drilling fluids technologist: Individual with specialia’d knowledge of the application of drilling fluids during the drilling operation.
3.1.6 senIor drIlling fluids technologist/engineer:
A drilling fluid technologist or engineer who by training and experience has advanced knowledge of drilling fluids, drilling fluid chemistry, and their varied applications.
4 Principle
This document is a recommended practice (RP) and seeks to formaliie the specific knowledge base, professional skills, and application skills needed to ensure the competency and professionalism of individuals working in the drilling fluids industry. Drilling fluids technologists should use this RP as an outline to self-determine any gaps in learning and seek to improve their skills. A company contracting the service of a drilling fluids technologist should use this recommended practice as a checklist of knowledge that a technologist should be able to demonstrate proficiency in applying.
5 Procedure
The drilling fluids disciplines and sub-disciplines were developed from a review of the typical curricula followed by drilling fluids service companies in their basic mud school. The topics as listed in Appendix A were used as a framework for developing the guidelines that form the normative portion of this standard. Each sub-discipline was divided into appropriate tasks and those tasks were assigned breath of knowledge statements needed to obtain minimum competency. The drilling fluid technologist discipline is broken into six sub- disciplines and each sub-discipline is described by tasks and specific skills to demonstrate proficiency and knowledge in that task. For ease of reading. the tasks and skill set are placed in a table format.