API RP 1525:1997 pdf download

API RP 1525:1997 pdf download

API RP 1525:1997 pdf download.Bulk Oil Testing, Handling, and Storage Guidelines.
6.2.3 Tanks should be drained and flushed between differ- eat grades of the same product.
6.2.4 Tanks should be cleaned between different products or product groups.
7 Unloading Procedures
7.1.1 Properly position the truck for unloading; secure the brakes, and chock the tires.
7.1.2 Carefully check deliveiy docunients to verify the products and quantities to be unloaded. If multiple products are included in separate compartments, take special care to avoid possible cross-contamination. A Hulk Receiving/Batch Log (see Appendix A) should he maintained for each product received.
7.1.3 Obtain a sample, per sampling instructions (see Appendix B). Complete the identification label, attach it to the sample boUle, and submit the sample to the laboratory.
7.1.4 Gauge the receiving tank In verily that there is enough room for the product to be unloaded. The quantity of the product to be unloaded should not exceed safe tank height. which is considered to be 90 percent of tank capacity.
7.1.5 Upon release by the laboratory, or verification that the shipment conforms to acceptance criteria. connect the ground strap to the trailer and prepare to unload the truck.
7.1.6 All unloading should be performed in accordance with applicable sality procedures and governmental regulatiOfls.
7.1.7 Inspect hoses for integrity and the absence of contaminants. Faulty hoses should not be used. Hoses used for unloading other products. or hoses that are dirty, should be flushed prior to use.
7.1.8 Before unloading, lines and valves must be set to direct the product to the proper tank. Piping systems with common lines, pumps, or manifolds should be flushed to displace any prior product (see Table I).
Nate: All tnk,irailcrs have emergency hydraulic valves hat fliust he opencd before unloading can begin. Operator must cnure the dome hatch is not oh%tructcd, which could cause the trailer to implode.
7.2.1 Once pumping has begun. inspect the system for possible leaks, If any leaks are noted, the unloading should be discontinued while th leak is repaired. Drip pans should be used to collect or contain any spillage.
7.2.2 During pumping. observe the pressure leel on the pump discharge. An unusually low or high pressure may indicate that the pump suction is obstructed, or that the dome cover or valves are improperly open. Also, check the receiving tank to verify that the product from the trailer has been directed to the correct tank. If any anomalies are noted, all pumping operations should be shut down until the matter is understood and resolved,
7.3.1 Once the trailer is empty, close the bottom valve, pump the suction valve, and turn ofi the pump, When possible. particularly when receiving lines to storage tanks are not product specitic, blowing receiving lines with inert gas and/or ball will clear product from lines into receiving tank. Then, close all remaining valves, beginning at the receiving tank and ending at the pump discharge.
7.3.2 Bleed any pressure from the lines betore disconnecting the suction hose. Connections should be released slowly to avoid possible discharge due to pressure buildup. Hoses should be capped/plugged before they are returned to storage areas.
7.3.3 Cap the trailer outlet valve, disconnect the ground strap, return the drip pan. and remove the wheel chocks. Release the truck.
7.3.4 Record receiving tank volumes (gauge readings) on the Bulk Receiving/Batch Log (see Appendix A).
8 Loading Procedures
8.1.1 Truck operators should be DOT qualified per all fed- cml, stale, and local regulations.