API RP 577:2004 pdf download

API RP 577:2004 pdf download

API RP 577:2004 pdf download.Welding Inspection and Metallurgy. Potential inspector actions:
a. Identify and correct deficiencies in procedures
b. Obtain calibrated equipment
4.2.7 Materials
Ensure all filler metals, base materials, and backing ring materials arc propcrly marked and identified and if required. pert’omi PMI to verify the material composition. Quality control items to assess:
a. Material test certifications are available and items properly marked (including back-up ring if used: see lO.X).
b. Electrode marking, bare wire flag tags. identification on spools of wire. etc. as-specified (see 9.2).
c. Filler material markings are traceable to a tiller material certification.
d. Base metal markings are traceable to a material certification.
e. Recording of filler and base metal traceability information is performed.
f. Base metal stampings arc low stress and not detrimental to the component.
g. Paint striping color code is correct for the material of construct ion
h. PMI records supplement the material traceability and confirm the material of construction (see 9.2). Potential inspector actions:
a. Reject non-traceable or improperly marked materials.
b. Reject inappropriate materials.
4.2.8 Weld Preparation
Confirm weld preparation. joint fit-up. and dimensions are acceptable and correct. Quality control items to assess:
a. Weld preparation surfaces are tlee of contaminants and base metal defects such as laminations and cracks.
b. Preheat. if required. applied for thermal cutting
c. I lydrogen bake-out heat treatment, if required. performed to procedure.
d. Weld joint is free from oxide and sulfide scales, hydrocarbon residue, and any excessive build-up of weld-through primers.
e, Weld joint type, bevel angle. root face and root opening are correct.
f. Alignment and mismatch is correct and acceptable.
g. Dimensions of base materials, filler metal, and weld joint are correct.
h. Piping socket welds have proper gap.
4.2.9 Preheat
Contirni the preheat equipment and temperature. Quality control items to assess:
a. Preheat equipmern and technique are acceptable.
b Preheat coverage and temperature are correct (see 10.5).
c. Reheat, if required, applied to thermal cutting operations.
d. Preheat, if required, applied to remove moisture. Potential inspector action: identify and correct deliciencies in the preheat operations.
4.2.10 Welding Consumables
(‘onfirm electrode, filler wire, fluxes, and inert gases are as specified and acceptablc. Quality control items to assess:
a. Filler metal type and sue are correct per procedure.
b. Filler metals arc being properly handled and stored (sec
c. Filler metals are clean and free of contaminants.
d. coating on coated electrodes is neither damaged nor wet.
e. Flux is appropriate for the welding process and being properly handled,
f. Inert gases. if required are appropriate for shielding and purging.
g. Gas composition is correct and meets any purity requirements.
It. Shielding gas and purging manifold systems are periodically bled to prevent back filling with air. Potential inspector actions:
a. Reject inappropriate materials.
b. Identify and correct deficiencies.
Welding inspection during welding operations should include audit parameters to verify the welding is perfonned to the procedures. Such tasks may include the following:
4.3.1 Quality Assurance
Establish a quality assurance and quality control umbrella
with the welding organiraLioii. Quality control items to assess:
a. Welder is responsible for quality craftsmanship of weldments
b Welder meets qualification requirements
c. Welder understands welding procedure and requirements tir the work.