API RP 591:2003 pdf download

API RP 591:2003 pdf download

API RP 591:2003 pdf download.Process Valve Qualification Procedure.
4 Purchaser Responsibilities
4.1 his the responsibility of the purchaser to verify the source of supply to assure that purchased valves are newly manufactured in accordance with the applicable standards.
4.2 Ii is the responsibility of the purchaser to detemiine that the valve manufacturer can supply valves that meet the refereiwed API valve standards, and that the manufacturer continues to supply valves of appropriate quality. The purchaser shall also verify that the manufacturer has a working quality assurance program. The essential elements of a quality assurance program are described in Section 5.
4.3 As part of the review and evaluation, the purchaser or his representative may survey the valve manufacturer’s shops. and, as the purchaser deems appropriate. may survey the facilities of primary suppliers to the valve manufacturer, such as foundries and forge shops. The valve manufacturer shall provide access. upon request, at times that are mutually agreed. At the conclusion of a manufacturing facility survey, the purchaser or his representative shall conduct an exit interview with the facility managers for the purpose of communicating observed noncontorming activities, if any.
5 Manufacturer Quality Assurance Program
The manufacturer shall establish and maintain a quality assurance group that shall be responsible kw establishing and maintaining a quality assurance program.
The quality assurance program shall fi.llow the principles of an appropriate standard from the series.
The quality assurance group shall be independent from the manufacturing department. and shall have the authority. access to work areas, and organizational freedom to identify quality problems; initiate solutions and verify the implementation of the solutions.
When a problem is discovered, the quality assurance group shall assure that further processing. delivery, installation, or use is controlled until proper disposition has been made of the nonconfomant. deficient, or unsatisfactory condition.
5.2.1 General
The organizational structure, functional responsibilities, levels of authority, and lines of communication for activities that affect quality shall be documented. The manufacturer shall establish and maintain documented procedures to control and verify the design of the product to assure that specified requirements are met.