API RP 68:1998 pdf download

API RP 68:1998 pdf download

API RP 68:1998 pdf download.Recommended Practice for Oil and Gas Well Servicing and Workover Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulfide.
4 Applicability
In oil and gas well servicing/workover operations, severity of the environment shall be assessed. As a minimum, the following measures shall be implemented:
a. Personnel protection should he provided if the work area concentration of hydrogen sulfide (refer to 3.2.8) exceeds 10 ppm 8-hour time weighted average (TWA) or 15 ppm as a short term exposure level (STEL) averaged over IS minutes (refer to Appendix A): or the work area concemration of sulfur dioxide (refer to 4.16) exceeds 2 ppm as an 8-hour TWA or 5 ppm as a STEL averaged over 15 minutes (refer to Appendix B. Personnel safety provisions of this publication do not apply when:
I. the atmospheric concentration of hydrogen sulfide could not exceed 10 ppm (by volume) in the breathing zone: or
2. the atmospheric concentration of sulfur dioxide could
not exceed 2 ppm (by volume) in the breathing zone.
h. Equipment and materials shall be selected Ofl the basis of resistance to sulfide stress cracking and corrosion. Refer to NACE Stan&Lrd MROI 75 fir recommendations for selection of equipment and materials.
The equipment and materials provisions of this publication do not apply when the partial pressure of hydrogen sulfide in the gas could not exceed (1.05 psia or 10 psia in the gas phase of sour crude systems.
Some conditions may require extensive personnel safety measures bLU only the use of conventional equipment and materials: other conditions may require the use of special equipment arid materials but only minimal personnel safety measures; still other conditions may require both.
Throughout this publication. ‘trigger levels” for various actions are used to ensure safely of employees and the public. These trigger levels have been established considering threshold limit values (TLVs—refcr to 3.2.18).
The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act IiPCRA). also known as Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthociiation Act of 1986 (SARA III). requires facilities with a threshold planning quantity (TPQ) of an extremely hazardous substance (IiHS) to participate in emergency planning at a local level. Hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide are both listed as EHSs with a TPQ of 500 pounds. A facility with hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide present at its TPQ must notify the State Emergency Response Commission SERC) and designate a facility emergency coordinator to assist the I .ocal Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) with its response plan.
EPCRA and CERCLA both require a facility to report a release of a reportable quantity (RQ)of a listed substance. The RQs for release reporting are 100 pounds for hydrogen sulfide and one pound fcc sulfur dioxide. Refer to API Bulletin E4 for guidance on release reporting requirements. Both RQs (40 CFR Part 302) and TPQs (40 CFR Part 355) are subject to change and the flicility operator should check for revisions.
EPURA also requires submission of periodic and annual reports of information to state and local officials on the presence of hazardous chemicals at production facilities. These regulations are set forth in 40 (‘FR Part 370. and API has published suggested generic reporting firms (refer to API Bulletin El) that are acceptable to the U. S. Enviromiiental Protection Agency (EPA).