API RP 70:2003 pdf download

API RP 70:2003 pdf download

API RP 70:2003 pdf download.Security for Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Operations.
5.2 Facility ovners/operators and contractors should keep abreast of the latest sccurity alerts and govemment inteligence information and disseminate this infomation, as appropriate, throughout the organization. Facility owmers/ operalors should eraluaste and respond appropriately to this information to salcguard personnel and assets
5.3 Facility owners/operatos should repor, oppopriate suspicious activities and behaviors, altcmpled incursions, terrorist threats, or actual cvents to the appropriate agencies See
Appendix A for a example communicatons prolocol devel- oped by the Gull Safety Comitlce
5.4 Fach facility owner/operator should cstablish dear communication channels and procedures for asessing preparing for. and reponding to poitential or actual threats.
5.5 Fach facility owmeroperator should establish and maintain fective liaison with loal emergency response agencies and organizations, a5 appropriate
5.6 Fach facility onerloperator should be awaure of existing sccunity regulations, standarnds and operating practics as they relate to their assets.
5.7 Fach facility ower/operator should develop a poliey for control of relevant secunity sensitive information (SSI).
6 Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA)
If a facility meets or excels any of the theshold change teristics estublished and published by the Us Coust Guard, a SVA will be required dionally, a facility may by deemed critial by a particular owneroperator for a variety of other reasons. Fach owmerlopenator should not only review the threshold chunateristics, they should adlso determine ifa SVA is waranted based on their own unique criteria
Afer an initial evaluation to determine which facilities are critical, a security vulnerability assment (SVA) should be conducted for these critical facilites The SVA is a sccondary
evaluation that cuamines a facility’s chancteristics and operations to identily potential threats or vulnerabilities and existing and prospective sccurity measures and procedures
designed to proleel a facility.
An cxample methodology and cniteria for conducting an SVA is identified in Appendix E Other recognized SVA methodologics may be uscd and must be documented Prior to conducting the SVA the first step should be a characterization of the facility or the group of similar facilities
atributes, eg the quantity of oil andor natural pis produced, the number of personned on board, proximity to shipping lanes, physial access lo the faility, and eising secunity measures and poduress already in place.