API S1:2001 pdf download

API S1:2001 pdf download

API S1:2001 pdf download.Organization and Procedures for Standardization of Oilfield Equipment and Materials.
• Regardless of which standards are adopted, there should be no agreement to adhere to assoeiaticnl standards Each company should be free to decide whether or nOt to accept a standard.
• The standards should not give unfair advantage to any vendor or group of vendors. should not discourage or inhibit design developments, and should not prohibit use of innovations
3.3 National and International Standardization
API Standards and the API standardization program are recognized worldwide, and API encourages representatives of companies and organizations involved in use or manufacture of oilfield equipment in any country to actively participate in the API standardization program. ft is the policy of the API to cooperate with international standardization bodies such as International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This requires adequate representation by users. manufacturers, and API staff and close coordination of related APi and iSO efforts (see Section
5.3). Additionally, API is a member of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) which coordinates the adoption of American National Standards and is the United States’ member of ISO. API standards are processed through ANSI for adoption whenever practical
3.4 Metrlcation
In recognition of increasing worldwide acceptance of the metric (Si) system, and Federal legislation initiating domestic use of that system. API will support a coordinated and orderly conversion and will encourage national standardization efforts that are also compatible with such efforts worldwide.
4.1 General Organization
Figure 1 illustrates the typical organization of API Upstream standardization committees In this API Upstream standardization program. committee (see Section 4.4) denotes a unit directly below the Executive Committee, subcommittee (see Section 45) denotes a unit directly under and stemming from a committee, and task group (see Section 4.6), resource group or advisory group (sec Section 4,6.14) denote a unit directly under a committee or subcommittee Task groups typically are temporary units with specific assignments and time lines, but may be formed as resource or advisory groups to act in an advisory capacity in a particular subject area (see Paragraph 4.6.1 4). Task groups having substantial assignments may temporarily appoint small groups of their member as work groups (see Paragraph 4 7)10 address parts of the assignment.