API SPEC 6FB:1998 pdf download

API SPEC 6FB:1998 pdf download

API SPEC 6FB:1998 pdf download.API Specification for Fire Test for End Connections.
The burn period has been established on the basis that it represents the maximum time required to extinguish most fires. Fires of greater duration are considered to be of a major magnitude with consequences greater than those anticipated by this test.
3.1.2 Description of Fire Test (See Figure A-i) The connection shall be tested with ater. The total volume of water which is isolated in the test fixture shall not exceed the volume of a cylinder whose diameter is the nominal test connection size and whose length is twice the nominal test connection size. The orientation of the axis of the bore may be vertical or horizontal. To qualify a connection design for bending as well as pressure, a second test is required. Each connection shall be enveloped in Ilame and temperature measurements made by thermocouples and cabrirneters. The test setup shall include a minimum of three calorimeter blocks and thermocouples equally spaced around the circumference in the plane of the joint, as shown in Figure A-2. The maximum spacing between calorimeteis shall be 12 inches (300 mm) on the circumference. An additional calorimeter block and thermocouple shall be placed on each side of the joint, at a distance of /2 of the length of the flange or twice the bore diameter, whichever is greatest, at a circumferential location which is furthest from any burner.
The calorimeter blocks shall be I inch (38 mm) cubes made of carbon steel with a thermocouple located in the center of each cube, as shown in Figure A-4. The test pressure shall be 75% of the API rated working pressure. The burn period shall be at least 30 minutes from ignition. Detailed procedures are in Section 3.2.
3.1.3 Description of the Bending Test
After 25 minutes of the burn period, an external bending moment shall be applied to one test connection. The moment which is sustained without causing leakage greater than the acceptable level shall be noted and reported. This will terminate testing on this connection.
Figures A-5 and A-{ show two suggested means of applying the bending moment. In using an arrangement like Figure A-5. the hydraulic ram will produce ho(h a tension and a bending moment on the connection. The rain shall be sited so that the additional tension is not greater than 10% of the total pressure end load through the connection. Any fixtures used to apply bending moment shall be designed to safely carry the test loads and shall be designed not to shield the
connection from the flame.