API St 589:1998 pdf download

API St 589:1998 pdf download

API St 589:1998 pdf download.Fire Test for Evaluation of Valve Stem Packing.
4.4 In addition to the two thermocouples for measuring flame temperature. the test apparatus shall include at least two thermocouples mounted in the stuffing box wall, as shown in Figure 4.
4.5 During the 30-minute test exposure period, the gas feed shall be adjusted so that the average temperature of the stuffing box thcnnocouplcs shall reach a minimum of 650°C (l20()°F) in 15 minutes or less. During the remainder of the 30-minute test, the gas feed shall be regulated so that the stuffing box thermocouples shall maintain this minimum temperature. The Ilame temperature may be adjusted as required to maintain the stuffing box temperatures within the limits specilicd above.
4.6 The following CAUTION shall be observed:
CAUTION: For the safety of the personnel conducting the test and because of environmental considerations, the following is required:
a. All test equipment and the test valve shall be clean and in
good operating condition.
b. Water shall be used as the test medium.
c. Personnel shields shall be provided.
d. Gaseous fuel shall be used.
4.7 The nominal test pressure shall be 3.72 MPa (540 pounds per square inch gauge) ±10 pewent during the fire- test and cooling-down period.
5 Test Layout
Figures 1 and 2 show typical arrangements for fire-test equipment. Other means may be used to control system pressure provided that they satisfy all other requirements of this standard.
6 Test Procedure
6.1.1 Packing shall be installed in the test valve or fixture no more than three days prior to conducting the lire test. Details of the procedure actually used shall be recorded in the test log and included in the Test Result Summary (Appendix A).
6.1.2 Initial packing compression shall conform to the packing manufacwrers specification. Torque on the gland nuts and packing compression displacement shall be measured and recorded at the beginning of the test.
6.1.3 The stem shall be moved the approximate equivalent of one hand-wheel turn back toward the closed position to ensure that the backseat is unseated.
6.1.4 A hydrostatic test pressure of 7.76 MPa (1125 psig) shall be applied to the test valve for a minimum of 12() seconds. Any leakage shall be rocorded. if necessary to stop packing leakage. additional packing compression may be applied at this time. The final torque on the gland nuts and the final compression shall be recorded in Appendix A.
6.1.5 The gland adjustment length shall be checked for compliance with 6.4 of API Standard (AX). If not in compliance, a new packing set with additional rings (or height) shall be installed and the hydrostatic test repeated.
To perform the fire test, follow the stepwise test procedure described in 6.2.1 through 6.2.8.
6.2.1 Open the valve or valves at the water source and open any ncccssar cnt and drain valves to ensure that the holy cavity is filled with water.
6.2.2 Operate the (Cs! valve or fixture to move the stem to the half-open position. Close all drain and vent valves and close the water supply valve. The test valve and the system upstream of the test valve shall be completely tilled with waer.
6.2.3 Pressurite the system to the lest pressure specified in
4.7; then check the entire system carefully for leaks and eliminate them. Record any adjustments made to packing compression as required in 6,1.2. No adjustments to the packing gland shall he made for the remainder of the fire test.
6.2.4 Record the amount of water in the vessel (Item 4 of Figures 1 and 2).