AS 1085.10:2002 pdf – Australian Standard Railway track material Part 10: Rail anchors

AS 1085.10:2002 pdf – Australian Standard Railway track material Part 10: Rail anchors

AS 1085.10:2002 pdf – Australian Standard Railway track material Part 10: Rail anchors.
I The specified requirements may also be relevant for rail sizes not currently covered by this Standard.
2 Dimensional tolerances should be agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
3 Ii is essential that the purchaser supply the manufacturer with certain information when enquiring about, or ordering, rail anchors to this Standard. Purchasing guidelines are given in Appendix A.
4 Alternative means for demonstrating compliance with this Standard arc given in Appendix B.
The following documents are referred to in this Standard:
1085 Railway track material
1085.1 Part I: Steel rails
1199 Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes
1399 Guide to AS I 199—Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by
1050 Methods for the analysis of iron and steel (all Methods)
ISO 9001 Quality management systems—Requirements
ISO 9004 Quality management systems—Guidelines for performance improvements
HB 18 Guidelines br third-party certitication and accreditation
HB 18.28 Guide 28—General rules for a model third-party certification scheme for products
Anchors shall he designaed according to the nominal rail size.