AS 1735.10:1998 pdf – Lifts, escalators and moving walks Part 10: Tests

AS 1735.10:1998 pdf – Lifts, escalators and moving walks Part 10: Tests

AS 1735.10:1998 pdf – Lifts, escalators and moving walks Part 10: Tests.
3.3.1 Laboratories
Testing shall be carried out by laboratories, as defined in AS 1735.1.
3.3.2 Instrumentation
Instruments used to determine deceleration shall be of the recording type.
Deceleration shall he determined within 5% accuracy by the combination of instruments such as accelerometers, amplifiers and recorders, as used.
3.3.3 Test weights
The mass of test weights shall he accurate to within 1% and shall be equally distributed about the guiding means and the buffer to be tested. While test weights are falling under test. guide friction shall be neglected.
3.3.4 Installation and preparation of buffer 1-oundatum
Spring return buffers shall be attached to a foundation designed to withstand the forces resulting from the buffer compression, without appreciable deflection. Attachment
Buffers shall be attached, in accordance with (he manufacturer’s drawings or by equivalent means, to—
(a) the foundation, for buffers of the spring-return type; or
(b) the under-side of the centre of the test weight, for buffers of the gravity-return type. Position
Buffers shall be positioned centrally with relation to the drop-test weight and in a vertical position which, after being secured in position. shall not vary front the vertical by more than 1 millimetre per metre of extended buffer length.
3.3.5 Oil
After having been installed, the buffer shall be filled with oil to a level not above the highest nor below the lowest gauge lines. The properties of the oil shall comply with Section 9 of AS 1735.2 as specified on the name plate.
The following procedure shall be followed to ensure that a constant oil level has been established:
(a) After having been filled with oil to the correct level, the buffer shall be fully
compressed at a slow speed.
(b) After having been compressed. the buffer shall be allowed to return to its fully extended position and remain there for not less than 10 mm.
(c) After the 10-minute period, the oil level shall be checked.
(d) Where the oil level has altered from the previous setting owing to the elimination of entrapped air or the retention of air under pressure within the buffer, the change in level shall be noted and the procedure repeated until a constant oil level is obtained when the buffer is in its extended position.
(e) If the oil level tends to remain above the level to which it was filled, any air vents should be checked for obstructions.
(f) When a constant oil level has been established, it shall be adjusted to the lowest gauge line.