AS 2001.4.E04:2005 pdf – Methods of test for textiles Method 4.E04: Colourfastness tests—Determination of colour fastness to perspiration

AS 2001.4.E04:2005 pdf – Methods of test for textiles Method 4.E04: Colourfastness tests—Determination of colour fastness to perspiration

AS 2001.4.E04:2005 pdf – Methods of test for textiles Method 4.E04: Colourfastness tests—Determination of colour fastness to perspiration.
Specimens of the textile in contact with adjacent fob-rico arc treated in two different solutiona containinghistidine, drained and placed between two plates un-der a specified pressure in a test device. The speci-mens and the adjacent fabrics are dried separately.The change in colour of each specimen and thestaining of the adjacent fabrics are assessed by com-parison with the grey scales.
4Apparatus and reagents
4.1 Test devices, each consisting of a frame ofstainless steel into which a weight-piece of mass ap-proximately 5 kg and base of 60 mm x 115 mm isclosely that a pressure of 12,5 kPa can beapplied on test specimens measuring 40 mm x100 mm placed between glass or acrylic-resin platesmeasuringapproximately60 mm × 115 mm x1,5 mm.The test device shall be constructed so that,if the weight-piece is removed during the test,thepressure of 12,5 kPa remains unchanged.
lt the dimensions of the composite specimen differfrom the size of 40 mm x 100 mm, the weight-pieceused shall be such that a pressure of 12,5 kPa is ap-plied to the specimen.
NOTE 1Other devices may be used provided that equiv-alent results are obtained.
4.2Oven without an air-circulating fan,maintainedat 37C 2°℃.
4.5.3lf required, a non-dyeable fabric (for example,polypropylene).
4.6Grey scale for assessing change in colour,complying with lSO 105-A02,and grey scale for as-sessing staining, complying with ISo 105-A03.
5 Test specimen
5.1 lf the textile to be tested is fabric, either
a)attach a specimen measuring 40 mm x 100 mm
to a piece of the multifibre adjacent fabric (4.5.1).also measuring 40 mm x 100 mm,by sewingalong one of the shorter sides, with the multifibrefabric next to the face of the specimen; or
b)attach a specimen measuring 40 mm x 100 mm
between the two single-fibre adjacent fabrics(4.5.2),also measuring 40 mm x 100 mm,bysewing along one of the shorter sides.
5.2Where yarn or loose fibre is to be tested, takea mass of the yarn or loose fibre approximately equalto one half of the combined mass of the adjacentfabrics, and either
a)place it between a 40 mm x 100 mm piece of the
multifibre fabric (4.5.3)and a 40 mm x 100 mmpiece of the non-dyeable fabric and sew themalong all four sides (see lSO 105-A01:1994.sub-clause 9.3);or
b)place it between a 40 mm x 100 mm piece of
each of the two specified single-fibre fabrics andsew along all four sides.
6.1 Lay out the composite specimen smooth in aflat-bottomed dish and cover with the solution.