AS 2005.21.1:1990 pdf – Low voltage fuses-Fuses withenclosed fuse-links Part 21.1: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use byauthorized persons (fuses mainlyfor industrial application)— Standardized fuse systems—Fuses with fuse-links with bladecontacts

AS 2005.21.1:1990 pdf – Low voltage fuses-Fuses withenclosed fuse-links Part 21.1: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use byauthorized persons (fuses mainlyfor industrial application)— Standardized fuse systems—Fuses with fuse-links with bladecontacts

AS 2005.21.1:1990 pdf – Low voltage fuses-Fuses withenclosed fuse-links Part 21.1: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use byauthorized persons (fuses mainlyfor industrial application)— Standardized fuse systems—Fuses with fuse-links with bladecontacts.
8.9.1 Fuse-base. Aplication. The tests specified not affected in this Clause should he applied if it is not obvious that the components arc adversely affected by the specitied temperatures and withdrawal forces. ist arrangement. A dummy fuse—link in accordance with Figure 4 shall be fitted into a fuse—base and also suspended from a measuring device, as shown for example, in Figure 7. The manner in which the dummy fuse—link is fitted and secured (e.g. by locking pins), in fuse-bases shall ensure that heat dissipation is not seriously affected.
The test set—up is installed in a heating chamber or below a heatable cowl of at least 50 L capacity, care being taken to see that the bushings, etc. for the measuring facility and connections are suitably sealed. The conductor cross-section depends upon the rated current (see AS 2005.10, Table 8.4), and the connections outside the heating chamber shall be at least I m long.
The heaters shall be such as to ensure that, during the test sequence described below, a temperature of 80 ±5°C is maintained with or without the test current, the temperature being measured at a horizontal distance of 150 mm from the dummy fuse-link centre point. Test method. The temperature in the heating chamber is raised to 80 ±5°C, and maintained for 2 h. The dummy fuse-link is then loaded with 160 ±2 percent of rated current for 2 It The test may be carried out at reduced voltage.
Three minutes after switching off the load current, a tensile fbrce (FmaJ (see Table 17) shall be applied smoothly to the dummy fuse-link and maintained for a period of 15 s. Acceptability of lest results. After this test, the contact pieces of the fuse-base shall not have moved to such an extent as to affect the further use of the fuse-base. After pulling out of the dummy fuse-link the dimensions shown in Figure 2 shall be within the specified limits. The insulating mounting part of the fuse-base shall neither be broken nor shall it show any signs of cracks.