AS 2332:2003 pdf – Slide fasteners

AS 2332:2003 pdf – Slide fasteners

AS 2332:2003 pdf – Slide fasteners.
A constant rak of extension tensile testing machine, which complies with AS 2193 minimum Class B. The force range is such that the limit of force to which the test specimen is subjected falls between 15 per cent and 90 per cent of the maximum on the scale.
Since calibration of full mechanical machines is normally carried out with the maximum- reading device inoperative, the use of a maximum-reading device at low forces may introduce serious errors. Electronic data capturer machines are not subject to this potential error.
A masking device for the slider, such as a face-plate or a blanking-off plate, is required so that tension is confined to the puller and its attachment to the slider. Figure Al gives a diagrammatic sketch of the arrangement.
Attachment of the puller to the testing machine may be by grip or hook.
The procedure shall he as follows:
(a) Set the machine with a rate of jaw separation of 100 ±15 mm/mm.
(b) Mount the specimen in one gripping device of the testing machine with the puller passed through a hole in the mask.
(c) Arrange the mask so that the slider and the chain are rigidly clamped in place, only the puller and its attachment to the slider being free.
(d) Secure the end of the puller to the other gripping device so that tension is applied at 90° to the face of the slider.
(e) Set the testing machine in operation until the specified force in Table 2 is reached, unless the specimen fails earlier.
(1) Remove the test specimen from the apparatus and manually operate to determine whether action is impaired.
NOTE: Some pullers have decorative openings which may he weaker. Care should he taken that the force is not applied to a weak part. Some pullers are in two or more parts. The test should be performed first on the furthest part.
(g) If the test passes. or if failure occurs at the innermost part, the test is complete. If the outermost part fails without impairing the functioning of the slider, the test is repeated. applying force to the next part of the puller.
(c) Set the machine in operation until the specified force is reached, unless the specimenfails earlier.
(d) Remove the test specimen from the apparatus and manually operate to determinewhether action is impaired.
The following shall be reported:
(a) Sample identification.
(b) Whether the functioning of the top stop of the test specimen is impaired. If impairment occurred, the number of specimens that failed, a description of the natureof the impairment and (if determinable) the force at which failure occurred.
(c) Reference to this test method, i.e. Appendix C of AS 2332.