AS 4108:2005 pdf – Metal finishing-Glossary of terms in electroplating and related processes

AS 4108:2005 pdf – Metal finishing-Glossary of terms in electroplating and related processes

AS 4108:2005 pdf – Metal finishing-Glossary of terms in electroplating and related processes.
In a disided cell. the portion of electrolte on the anode side of the diaphragm and the electrolytes surrounding the anode in a single cell.
Deposition of a metallic coating by a controlled chemical reduction that is catalyzed by the metal or alloy being deposited.
A supplementary anode empIo.ed during electrodeposition to achie.e a desired thickness distribution of the deposit.
See ‘thier.
The mean salue of not fewer than five local thickness measurements that are evenly distributed over the significant surface of a single piece. or the value obtained using the gravimeiric method of thickness determination.
heating to lovv temperatures before or after electroplating or auwcatalytie plating process steps to reduce residual stresses or to remove gases causing embrittlement effects.
A barrel process. (see barrel processing) electrodeposits which are applied to articles in hulk: in contrast to vat plating. sec ‘vat plating’.
Mechanical, chemical or electrolytic treatment of articles in bulk in a rotating container. Examples are barrel burnishing, barrel polishing, barrel cleaning. barrel electroplating.
Metal in the form of sheet, coil, cut lengths. strip, extruded sections, forgings or castings prior to surface treatment.
Material upon which coatings are deposited or formed. (,see ‘substrate’).
The average thickness of the coating on all the items of an inspection batch as determined on a representative sample
See ‘blasting: bead blasting’.
A conductor immersed in the electrolyte between the anode and the cathode but not connected to the power suppk. The part of the conductor nearest the anode acts as a cathode and that nearest the cathode acts as an anode.
The production of a black finish. see ‘alkaline blackening’.
A process in which solid metal’ic. mineral or vegetable particles are projected at high velocity against the work piece for the purpose of cleaning. abrading or pecning its surface, If the process is principally used for imparting hardness or compressive stress, it is normally termed peening (see ‘shot pccning’).
General term for blasting using abrasive particles.
A process whereb small spherical glass or ceramic beads are propelled against a metallic surface. It is carried out in either wet or dry state.
Blasting with short cut lengths of wire (ferrous and non-ferrous).
Abrasive blasting with small, irregularly shaped pieces of steel or cast iron.
Abrasive blasting with sand or related hard material of similar particle size (for example pumice. silicon carbide or aluminium oxide).