AS 4454:2003 pdf – Composts,soil conditioners and mulches

AS 4454:2003 pdf – Composts,soil conditioners and mulches

AS 4454:2003 pdf – Composts,soil conditioners and mulches.
lhe primary package or information sheet shall he permanently and legibly marked in a prominent position and in letters no less than 9 point in size, with the following information, depending on the conditional statement for that particular component set out as follows:
(a) The pH if pH is less than 5.0 or is greater than 7.5.
(b) Instructions on the rate of application based on the salinity of the product (see
Table 3.3 for information).
(c) [he total phosphorus level and information about soluble phosphorus if a claim is made that the product is suitable for phosphorus-sensitive plants
NOTE: An application of a product in the upper concentration should not cause problems if it
is applied to established plants at a rate of 50 Lm2.
(d) The soluble nitrogen level (nitrate and ammoniuni) if a contribution to plant
nutrition is claimed.
(e) The total nitrogen content if a contribution to plant nutrition is claimed.*
(f) Instructions on the restricted rate of application of product to 50 L/m2 or to 20% by volume of a potting mix ii the total boron level is in the range of 100— 200 mglkg.
(g) A statement of the appropriate amount of gypsum to apply with the product to balance the sodium content depending on the sodium content of the product and the requirement set in Table 3.1.
(h) Instructions to use compost at a low rate if the toxicity index is less than
prescribed in Table 3.1.
(i) A statenient giving the total lime content range of the product and a qualification as to the situations in which the lime content might harm sensitive plants if pH is greater than 7.5 (see Table 3.2 for approximate rates of application).
The primary package or information sheet may also carry the following information:
(a) A statement about the organic components from which the product has beeii produced. advice about the need for wetting agents and a caution about settling of the product during transport.
(b) Instructions on the most appropriate method of use for the product. such as digging into soil or application to its surface (sec also Tables 3.2 and 3.3).
(c) A statement that the pH of the product falls within the range 5.0 to 7.5 (see Clause 3.3(a) for when information about p11 is required to be provided).