AS 4506:2005 pdf – Metal finishing-Thermoset powder coatings

AS 4506:2005 pdf – Metal finishing-Thermoset powder coatings

AS 4506:2005 pdf – Metal finishing-Thermoset powder coatings.
Australian Standards arc intended to include the technical requirements for relevant products. but do not purport to comprise all the necessary provisions of a contract. This Appendix contains the minimum requirements for the information to be supplied by the purchaser at the time of enquiry and/or order.
Purchasers shall supply the following information to the applicator.
(a) The product ftrm and specification of the substrate and substrate surfaces.
(b) Atmospheric classification category (see Clause 1 .4).
(c) Identification of the significant surfaces, either on drawings, or by suitably marked specimens.
(d) The acceptable position of contact marks or jigging and drain holes.
(e) The required colour code number or the required colour name, or whether a representative sample of the required colour will be provided.
NOTE: Colour should be matched to an agreed standard, and guidelines on this are given in
AS/NZS 2633.
(f) The specular gloss level required, and whether a representative sample of the required gloss level ill be provided (see Clause 2.4).
(g) Any temporary protection required.
NOTE: Appendix F provides information on temporary protection.
(h) Preferred method for coating thickness measurement. if relevant (see Clause 2.5).
(i) Required tests which are specified in Table 2.1.
(j) Any optional tests required, in addition to those specified in Section 2 of this Standard, to assess performance or to satisfy end-use requirements.
(k) Whether a test certificate or certificate of compliance is required.
(1) Any information concerning processing or end use that the purchaser considers would assist the applicator.
NOTE: An agreed means of repair.
(m) Reference to this Australian Standard, i.e. AS 4506.
Statistical sampling is a procedure which enables decisions to be made about the quality ofbatches of items after inspecting or testing only a portion of those items. This procedurewill only be valid if the sampling plan has been determined on a statistical basis and thefollowing requirements are met:
(a) The sample needs to be drawn randomly from a population of product of known
history. The history needs to enable verification that the product was made fromknown materials at essentially the same time, by essentially the same processes andunder essentially the same system of control.
(b )For each different situation, a suitable sampling plan needs to be defined. A sampling
plan for one applicator of given capability and product throughput may not berelevant to another applicator producing the same items.
In order for statistical sampling to be meaningful to the customer, the applicator or supplierneeds to demonstrate how the above conditions have been satisfied.Sampling and theestablishment of a sampling plan should be carried out in accordance with AS 1199.1,guidance to which is given in AS 1199.0.