AS 4799:2000 pdf – lnstallation of underground utility services and pipelines within railway boundaries

AS 4799:2000 pdf – lnstallation of underground utility services and pipelines within railway boundaries

AS 4799:2000 pdf – lnstallation of underground utility services and pipelines within railway boundaries.
This Section sets out the requirements for information to he provided by the owner in the
documentation for project approval.
Project documentation shall cover any matters associated with the proposed services or pipelines installation. It is necessary that these matters be fully and accurately communicated to those parties concerned with the design. construction and approval of the installation of such services or pipelines.
The owner shall supply the Corporation with plans and information of the proposed installation, including a drawing of the markers where required (see Clause 3.10).
2.3.2 Plans Scales and piais details
Plans of the proposed services or pipelines shall be drawn to scale showing their relation to railway tracks, other services and pipelines (above or below ground level), overhead wiring structures and other facilities, property boundaries, and abutials. the angle of crossing. location of valves and pits. and other relevant details.
Dimensions shall be shown for services or metal pipelines within 20 in of overhead wiring structures, other electrical power services or other metallic structures.
The plan shall show a ‘north’ compass point, the name of and direction to the nearest railway station and distance reference(s) in kilornetres along the railway of the proposed installation (in particular for an underirack crossing).
The distance reference shall he measured in accordance with the railway track kilonietrage measuring system.
NOTE: Railway truckside kilometre posts and painted 1(X) m marks on sleepers will indicate such distance.
Plans shall include a cross-section (or sections) from field survey showing the service or pipeline in relation to the actual profile and levels of the ground and track at crossings and at represenlative locations. Design calculations and construction methods
Unless covered by the provisions of this Standard or as required by the Corporation. the pipeline plan shall he accompanied by full design computations of combined stresses within (or design test loads for) the carrier pipes, and external stress within (or design test loads for) the encasing pipes (where the encasing pipes are required) and certified by the owners competent person. and also checked and signed by a second competent person as agreed between the parties.
2.3.3 Information
In addition to the requirements specified in Clause 2.3.2 for the supply of plans and details,the following information shall be specified in the project documentation,where applicable:
(a) Name and address and telephone number of owner.
(b) Name and address and telephone number of constructor who will carry out
(c) Nearest railway station.
(d) Distance reference(s) in kilometres,expressed in whole kilometres and 3 decimal
figures, along the railway, to the proposed installation.
(e) Proposed method of installation including size and locations of jacking and boring
pits, if any, and under track crossing details.