AS/NZS 1802:2003 pdf – Electric cables-—Reeling and trailing一For underground coal mining

AS/NZS 1802:2003 pdf – Electric cables-—Reeling and trailing一For underground coal mining

AS/NZS 1802:2003 pdf – Electric cables-—Reeling and trailing一For underground coal mining.
12.3.2 Material
The semiconductive tape shall comprise a textile fabric, coated with a semiconductive elastomer and having a continuous print on one side identifying it as being semiconductive. It shall be compatible with the insulation of the power cores.
The volume resistivity of the tape shall comply with the requirements of Table 7.
When not in combination with a semiconductive elastomer screen, the average thickness of the tape shall be not less than 0.2 mm. When in combination with a semiconductive elastomer screen, the combined average thickness shall be not less than 0.6 mm.
1 2.3.3 Application
The semiconductive tape shall be applied immediately over the insulation with an overlap of not less than 10 percent of tape width or 2 mm, whichever is the greater.
It shall be capable of being removed by hand without damage to the insulation. Where tape is applied in combination with a semiconductive elastomer screen, the tape shall be outermost, with the printed side of the tape facing outwards.
12.4 Textile reinforced semiconductive tape screen (Type 280B only)
12.4.1 Material
The serniconductive tape shall comprise a textile fabric, coated with a semiconductive elastomer. It shall be compatible with the insulation of the power cores.
The volume resistivity’ shall comply with the requirements of Table 7.
The thickness of the tape shall be not less than 0.1 mm.
12.4.2 Application
Two layers of the semiconductive tape shall be helically applied immediately over the insuiation.
They shall be capable of being removed by hand without damage to the insulation.
12.5 Composite screen (Types 209, 210, 240 and 260 only)
12.5.1 Construction
Composite screens shall consist of copper strands interwoven with polyethylene terephthalate y’arn or equivalent.
The copper strands shall be applied with a right-hand direction of lay and shall be interwoven in the left-hand direction with the yarn, thus forming a braid. Each of the textile fThrous members shall be not less than R60 tex (see ISO 1139).
Each strand shall consist of seven tinned annealed copper wires, each having a nominal diameter within the limits of 0.25 and 0.50 mm, inclusive. The recommended strand size for each cable is shown in Tables 9, 10, 11 or 14, as appropriate.
NOTE: A suitable semiconductive tape may be applied over the composite screen.
12.5.2 Joints
There shall be no joints in the complete braid. Where renewal of spindles is necessary, the ends of the individual copper strands of a spindle shall be butt-jointed with silver solder. Such butt-jointed screen strands shall be free from sharp edges, solder lumps or similar imperfections.
The breaking strength of a butt-soldered joint shall be not less than 80 percent of a strand not containing a joint.
There shall be not more than one spindle renewal in any 1 m length of core.