AS/NZS 2693:2003 pdf – Vehicle jacks

AS/NZS 2693:2003 pdf – Vehicle jacks

AS/NZS 2693:2003 pdf – Vehicle jacks.
A specific vehicle jack shall be capable of lifting any vehicle in the specific model or model designation of vehicles from a position where any one wheel with a completely deflated tyre is resting on the ground to a position where a replacement wheel with a new fully inflated tyre can be fitted. For the purpose of this requirement, the vehicle shall be at its maximum loaded mass and the tyres shall be selected from the manufacturer’s recommended range of road tyres so as to provide the most severe condition. Special emergency spare tyres shall not be used when assessing compliance with this requirement.
5.8.2 Curavan..rraikr jacks
A caravan/trailer jack shall be capable of lifting any vehicle which has its specified engagement points fitted and the aggregate trailer mass of which is within its specified capacity from a position of where any one wheel with a completely deflated tyre is resting on the ground to a position where a replacement wheel with a fully inflated tyre can be fitted. For the purpose of this requirement the caravan/trailer shall be attached to a tow vehicle and shall be at its aggregate trailer mass and the tyres shall be selected from the manufacturer’s recommended range of’ road tyres so as to provide the most severe condition. Special emergency tyres shall not be used when assessing compliance with this requirement.
6.1 Test procedure
The following performance tests shall be carried out. A new jack may be used for each test if required. Tests on caravan/trailer jacks which are conducted using a caravan/trailer shall be conducted with a caravan/trailer attached to a tow vehicle or a simulated mounting point and with the floor horizontal ±2°.
6.2 Durability
When tested in accordance with Appendix C. the jack shall not fail or become unserviceable.
6.3 Ease of Ol)eraliofl
When tested in accordance with Appendix C. neither the initial operating force nor the operating force after conditioning shall exceed the following values:
(a) For jacks of nominated capacity up to and including 1000 kg—
(i) 360 N for jacks operated by a lever moving vertically: and
(ii) 120 N for all other types of jacks.
(b) For jacks of nominated capacity greater than 1000 kg—
(i) 450 N for jacks operated by a lever moving vertically: and
(ii) 180 N for all other types of jacks.
NOTE: The handle provided for operation of the jack should, at the area where the operator applies the operating force, be of a size and shape which does not cause undue discomfort.