AS/NZS 4220:2003 pdf – Bunk beds

AS/NZS 4220:2003 pdf – Bunk beds

AS/NZS 4220:2003 pdf – Bunk beds.
(c) A statement indicating that children under the age of 9 should not use an upper bunk or elevated bed suspended over a play area, furniture (e.g. a workstation or other feature).
NOTE: Children under the age of 9 should not use the upper bunk due to the statistical chance of significant injury.
(d) A statement that children should he discouraged from playing on the bunk bed.
(e) A statement that the bunk bed should be checked periodically to ensure that the guardrail, ladder and other components are maintained in the correct position and state of repair and that all connectors are tight.
(f) A warning as follows:
The upper bunk must be more than 2 in from any ceiling fan.’
In addition to any marking required by Federal. State or Territory law, all bunk beds shall be permanently and prominently marked with the following information:
(a) When required. see Clause 6.4.2(c). a distinct line, at least 150 mm in length on at least one side or end to indicate the maximum height of the mattress, together with the words ‘MAX. MATTRESS hEIGhT.
(b) For hunk beds of Australian manufacture—
(i) the manufacturer’s or distributor’s name and address or the manufacturer’s trademark and address: and
(ii) a distinctive model name or model number and the month and year of manufacture such that the model can be identified for the purposes of recall.
(c) For imported bunk beds—
(i) the country of origin:
(ii) the Australian distributor’s name and address; and
(iii) a distinctive model name or model number and the month and year of manufacture such that the model can be identified for the purposes of recall.
(d) On upper bunks beds above 800 mm the following prominent warning notice shall be included:
(b)ldentify all gaps which are accessible and 600 mm or more above the floor surface.(c)Note gaps formed within the guardrail as per Clause 6.4.2(d).
(d)Ascertain whether there are any gaps that have a reducing configuration (e.g. see
Figure Al and gap B in Figure 2) allowing the passage of the 230 mm diameter probe(with the application of 100 N force, if necessary) but not allowing the removal of theprobe (when a force of 100 N is applied) through any reduced configuration.
NOTE: If a gap of the above type is encountered then the bunk bed fails the entrapmentrequirements of Clause 7.1(a) and no further testing need be carried out.
(e) Ascertain whether there are any gaps (other than those that allow the passage of the230 mm diameter probe) that allow the passage of a 50 mm diameter probe (with theapplication of a 100 N force, if necessary) and also allow the passage of the 95 mmdiameter probe (with the application of a 100 N force, if necessary).