ASME 831.8S:2014 pdf free download

ASME 831.8S:2014 pdf free download

ASME 831.8S:2014 pdf free download.Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines.
Data integration can also be accomplished manually or graphically. An example of manual intcgration is thc supenmposing of scaled potential impact area cireles (see section 3) on pipeline aerial photography to determine the extent of the potential impact area. Graphical integration can be accomplished by loading risk-related data elements into an MIS/GIS system and graphically overlaying them to establish the location of a specific threat. Depending on the data resolution used, this could be applied to local areas or larger segments. More-specific data integration software is also available that facilitates use in combined analyses. The benefits of data integration can be illustrated by the following hypothetical examples:
(I) In reviewing ILl data, an operator suapccts mechanical cLunasic in the top quadrant of a pipeline in a cultivated lieki. Ii is also known that the farmer h.o. heen pk’s ing in this area and that the depth of cwer may hc rcdtaL Each of these facts taken individually provides some indication of possiblc mechanical damage, but as a group the result is more definitive.
(2) An operator suspects that a possible cotrosion proNciii cxists on a large-diameter pipeline located in a populated area. However. a CIS indicates good cathodic protection coverage in the area. A direct current voltage gradient (DCVG) coating condition inspection is performed and reveals that the welds were tape-coated and are in poor condiuon. The CIS results did not indicate a potential integrity issue, but data integration prevented possibly incorrect conclusions.
5.1 Introduction
Risk assessments shall be conducted for pipelines and related facilities. Risk assessments arc required for both prescriptive-based and performance-based integrity management programs.
For prescriptive-based programs, risk assessments are primarily utilized to prioritize integrity management plan activities. They help to organize data and information to make decisions.
For performance-based programs, risk assessments serve the following purposes:
(a) to organize data and information to help operators prioritize and plan activities
(b) o determine which inspection, prevention. and/or mitigation activities will be performed and when
5.2 Definition
The operator shall follow section 5 in its entirety to conduct a performance-based integrity management program. A prescriptive-based integrity management program shall be conducted using the requirements identified in this section and in Nonmandatory Appendix A.