ASME A112.19.10:2017 pdf free download

ASME A112.19.10:2017 pdf free download

ASME A112.19.10:2017 pdf free download.Retrofit Dual Flush Devices for Water Closets.
2.1 Functional Operation
The flush valve with dual flush feature shall be designed for retrofit use in water dose-is and shall fit within the tank punching without Interference with other operating parts. The user shall be requIred to activate a full or reduced flush by actuation of the selector control. After release, the selected flush mode shall he completed without requlnng further action or holding by the user.
2.2 Flush Valve
The flush valve shall meet the followrng requirements of ASME Al 12.19.S/CSA B45.lS:
(a) rated temperature
(b) threads
(c) overflow tube
(d) thread torque trst
(e) fisture and flush valve leak test
(f) leak rate and chemwal resistance test
3.1 Ut. Cycle TestIng
The flush valve with dual flush device shall be evaluated for durability. The life cycle trst shall he- conducted as follows:
(a) Install the specimen with a minimum sustained water head of 150 mm (6.0 anj at 21C ± 5C (701 ± 10F).
(b) Operate the specimen and allow It to return to u.s closed position for 30.000 cydes using a sequence of reduced to lull flushes in a ratio of 1:4. After completing 30,000 cycles at a ratio of 1:4, Immediately begin 120000 cycles in the reduced flush volume mode.
3.2 Performance Requirements
During and alter the test, dual flush devices shall
(a) continue to function as they did at the beginning of the test
(b) show no signs of leakage
(c) not develop any defects that might adversely affect their functionalIty or serviceability
4.1 MarkIngs
Retrofit dual flush devices shall be marked with the manufacturer’s name and/or registered trademark or, in case of private labeling, the name far whom the device was manufactured,
Markings shall be permanent, legible, and visible after installation.
4.1.1 RepaIr Parts. Devices shall have a Label Indicating at least the following,
(a) the telephone number of a service department from which end-users c-an obtain replacement parts
(b) the serial or part number
(c) information on procuring replacement parts for maintaining the flush volume
4.2 InstallatIon
Installation Instructions shall Include the following provlxlon:
(a) the procedures necessary to provide a lull volume flush and procedures to establish a partial volume flush consistent with the requirements in para. 2.1
(b) the steps necessary to ensure that the dual flush actuation selector and all parts move freely when the tank is empty and normally filled
4.3 Product Limitations to Specific Water Closets
Restrictions or limitations on the installation 01 the device(s) to any single or group of manufacturers’ water closets shall be specified on a label on the package or instructions by the manufacturer, producer, or provider of the device(s).