ASME A120.1:2008 pdf free download

ASME A120.1:2008 pdf free download

ASME A120.1:2008 pdf free download.Safety Requirements for Powered Platforms and Traveling Ladders and Gantries for Building Maintenance.
control: a mechanism used to regulate or guide the operation of the equipment.
core: the axial member of a wire rope about which the strands are laid.
davit: a device for suspending a powered platform. Unlike outriggers, a davit reacts its operating moment load into a single pedestal, socket, carriage attachment, or other connection.
dropline: a vertical line from a fixed anchorage, independent of the work platform and its rigging, to which a lanyard is affixed. Droplines are also variously called lifelines, safety lines, ratlines, scarelines, etc.
dynamic load: loading induced by masses undergoing changes in velocity and loads varying with time. In application, a simulated static load surcharge may be assumed to be equivalent to dynamic effects.
electrical ground: a conducting connection between an electrical circuit of the equipment and the earth, or a conducting body that serves in place of the earth.
equipment tie-in: a positive-ty e connection provided to secure a working platform or suspension rope to the building.
failure: a deficiency of a structural element that makes it unable to continue the load-bearing function for which it was originally designed.
fairk’ad: the uppermost guide for the suspension wire rope.
fairlead roller: a roller provided to allow a minor change in the direction of travel of a suspension rope.
frur-rope suspended platfirm: a platform suspended by four load carrying wire ropes arranged such that the failure of any one support rope or its fastenings will not cause the platform to upset (substantially alter the normal position). (Also known as four rope, four line, and multi-rope. See two-rope suspei:ded platforn:.)
çround rigging: a method of suspending a sell-powered working platform from a safe horizontal surface to an acceptable point of suspension above the safe surface.
guide roller: a rotating cylindrical member, operating separately or as a part of a guide assembly, that provides continuous engagement between the suspended or supported equipment and the building guides.
guide shoe: equivalent to guide rollers, except shoes provide a sliding contact between the building guides and the shoe.
hoisting machisic: a device intended to raise and lower a suspended or supported unit.
i,,stallaf ion: the total affected parts of a building and the equipment associated with the intended operation.