ASME A17.1b:2009 pdf free download

ASME A17.1b:2009 pdf free download

ASME A17.1b:2009 pdf free download.Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. They shall be so designed that locking member and the electric contact an mounted on and attached to a common base, in such a manner that there is a fised relation between the location of the contact and the location of the locking member
They shall be so instalLed and adpusted that the electric contact cannot close until the door is m the closed posi. hon as specified in 212.3.2. and so that the locking mt’mber is in a position to lock the door when or before the contact closes. In order to prevent motion of the door from opening the electric contact while the door is locked in the closed position, multiple-locking points shall, where necessary, be provided on the kicking mechanism. The electric contact shall be positively opened by the locking bar of the mechanical lock or by a lever or other device attached to and operated by the door, and the electric contact shall be maintained in 11w open position by the action of gravity or by a restrained cnmpreminn spring, or by both, or by positive mechanical means. (See 2.262,14.) The mechanical lock shall hold the door in the locked position by means of gravity or by a restrained compression spring, or by both.
212.34.4 Combination mechanical locks and electric contacts used with vertical-slide multiple-panel doors shall conform to the following requirements:
(a) They shall lock all panels of the door, but shall be permitted to be applied to only one section of the door, provided th device used to interconnect the door sections is so arranged that locking one panel wiLl prevent the opening of all panels.
(b Where used with vertically sliding biparting counterbalanced doors, the electric contact shall be so arranged that it is mechanically held in the open position by the door or a device attached thereto, unless the door is in the closed position.
2.123.43 Mercury tube switches shall not be
2.12.33 Location. Combination mechanical locks and electric contacts shall be so located that they are not accessible from the landing side when the hoistway doors are closed.
2.12,4 Ustlng/Certiflcation Door Locking Devices and Door or Gate Electric Contacts Type Tests. Each type and make of hoistway door interlock, hoistway door combination mechanical lock and electric contact, and door or gate electric contact, shall conform to the type tests specified in 8.3.3, unless tested prior to
(a) August 1, 1996, and shall have been subjected to the tests specified in—1994, Section 11.