ASME B107.36:2002 pdf free download

ASME B107.36:2002 pdf free download

ASME B107.36:2002 pdf free download.PLIERS:LOCKING, CLAMP, AND TUBING PINCH-OFF.
4.4 Handles
Handlcs of pliers shall be through hardcncd from 30 to 50 HRC or case hardened from 75 to 86 HRI5N, with a casc depth of a minimum of 0.010 in. (0.25 mm). Handles shall be so shaped as to afford a comfortable grip and shall be free from rough cdges and sharp corners. When thc pliers are locked in any position of the jaws, the minimum handle clearancc between the fixed and movable handle shall be as specified in the appropriate tables, Outer hand-gripping surfaces of handles shall be smooth, knurled, or impressed.
4.5 Joints
Pliers joints shall havc no cxccssivc looseness, play, or any other indications of sidc play of the two halves of the pliers when opened or closed, which could impair the function of pliers. Joint fasteners shall be through hardened from 25 to 50 HRC. Where fatcncrs receive a case hardening lreatmcrn in addition to the through hardening, a maximum hardness of 60 HRC or cquivalcnt will be pcrmittcd.
4.6 Jaws
4.6.1 Jaw Openings. Ends of jaws shall open, when adjustcd by the screw, to the entire respective clamping rangc minimum specified in Tables 2 through
5. Pliers shall operate in a smooth and uniform manner.
4.6.2 Jaw Hardness. Jaws shall be through hardened from 35 to 50 HRC or case hardened from 83 to 90 HRI5N, with a case depth minimum of 0.010 in. (0.25 mm). If provided, swivel pads need not be hardened.
4.7 Adjusting Screw
Adjusting screw located at the end of handle shall have a minimum hardness of 30 HRC.
4.9 Finish
4.9.1 Appearance. Surfaces %hall be tested in accordancc with ASME B46. 1. Surfaces shall be free from pits. nodules, burrs, and othcr conditions that may adversely affect performancc or appearance. Ground surfaces shall have a maximum surfice roughness of 200 pin. (5.1 pm) anthmctic avcragc. Measurement of the finish shall be madc with a mcasuring inslnimcnt using a cutoff length of 0.03 in, (0.8 mm).
4.9.2 Coating. Coating shall be adherent, smooth, continuous, and free of pits, blisters, nodules, oxide scale, and any other conditions that may interfere with the protective value and serviceability of the pliers. Cadmium plate shall not be allowed. Pliers shall be coated with a supplementary rust-preventative treatment.
4.10 SprIng
Spring shall be capable of opcning the jaws to the maximum value of the respective clamping range minimum dimension as specified in the tables for the individual type and class of pliers.
4.11 DImensions
Dimensions shall be dctermincd by mca..suring the pliers with jaws in the closed and locked position. The overall length mcasurcmcnt shall includc the adjusting screw.
4.12 Workmanship
Requirements within this Standard are intended to describe the best commercial quality pliers available. Plicrs shall conform to the requirements of this Standard.