ASME B107.56:1999 pdf free download

ASME B107.56:1999 pdf free download

bumping, dinging. finishing face. the area of the hamrner used to restore the damaged sheet metal panel to its original shape by stnktng.
chamfer: the bevel or equivalent radius encircling the perimeter of the striking and struck faces and at the end of cross peens
cheek: the Outside surface of the hammerhead, on either side of the eye. located between the two necks.
eye: an opening or aperture in the hammerhead into which the handle is inserted, if the handle is separate.
handle: the ponion that protrudes from the hammerhead and by which the hammer is held.
neck: the portion of the hammerhead located either between the bell and the eye or the peen and the eye, or boh
petit: the striking surface of the hammerhead located in front of the neck. The peen may have one of the following shapes:
(a) wedge-shaped (as an a cross peen or cross chisel);
(b) cylindrical (as in a cylindrical cross peen);
(C) rounded (as in a ball peen).
pick: the elongated tapered portion of the hammerhead extending from the eye to the point.
point: the striking surface located at the end of the
safety message. the information imprinted on or af. fixed to the hammer that is intended to promote safety.
shrinking face: the striking surface that is normally serrated. It may be flat or crowned,
striking face: the pornon of the hammerhead located in front of the bell and chamfer that contacts the sheet metal during use.
striking face crown. the convex shape or radius of the striking face.
striking surface: the surface of a hammerhead. peen. or pick intended to contact the sheet metal durin. use.
safety message: the information impnnted on or affixed to the hammer that is intended to promote safety (see para. 5(kfl.
working surface: the portion of the dolly identified by its smor*h and polished nature
4.1 Design of Body Repair Hammers
Body repair hammers are designed for striking against sheet metal panels. They shall consist of a hammerhead with one or more striking surfaces and a handle, or one striking surface and one struck face and a handle. as in a fender bumper.
4.1.1 The hammerhead striking surfaces may consist of. but are not limited to. any combination of the following styles as shown in Fig. 3:
(a) Bumping, Din ging. Finishing Face. Has a smooth, flat, or crowned striking face. The cross-section of the bell may be round or polygonal.
(b) Picking. Pecking End. Has a pointed or rounded tip called a point at the end of a round or polygonal pick. The axis of the pick may be straight or curved.
(c) Shrinking Face. has a serrated striking face, which may be flat or crowned. The cross-section at the bell may be round or polygonal.
(d) Ball Peen End. Has a smoothly contoured shape that is approximately hemispherical,
(e) Cross Peen. Cross Chisel End. Has a wedge or chisel-shaped peen oriented at right angles to the axis of the handle.
(J) Cyluidncal Cross Peen End. Has a generally cylindrical-shaped striking part whose axis is onented approximately at a right angle to the axis of the hammerhead and handle.