ASME B16.29:2007 pdf free download

ASME B16.29:2007 pdf free download

ASME B16.29:2007 pdf free download.Wrought Copper and Wrought Copper Alloy Solder-Joint Drainage Fittings一DWV.
10.3 Threading Tolerances
Tapered pipe threads (NlT) shall be checked by use of plug or ring gauges, in either standard or Limit types. When gauging internal taper threads, the plug gauge shall be screwed handtight into the fitting The reference point for gauging internal product threads depends on the chamfer diameter. When the internal chamfer dianwter exceeds the major diameter of the internal thread, the reference point shall be the last thread scratch on the chamfer cone. Otherwise, when the internal chamfer diameter does not exceed the major dianwter of the internal thread, the reference point shall be the end of the fitting. In gauging external taper threads, the ring gauge shall be screwed handtight on the internal thread. On the external thread, the ring gauge shall be flush with the end of the thread, Gauging practices shall be as shown in Notes
(3) and (4) of Table 2. S4raight pipe threads (N lSM) shall be checked by the use of standard GO and NOT GO plug and ring gauges.
External and internal threaded ends of fittings will be furnished with a polygon to facilitate installation.
The maximum allowable variation in the angular alignment of all openings shall be 5 mm In I m (0.06 in. in I it) (05%). other than in the direction of pitch (see section 3).
13.1 Standard Gauging Method of Solder-Joint Ends
The standard method of gauging the diameter tolerances for male and female ends shall be by use of plain plug and ring gauges designed to hold the product within the limits established in Table 1.
13.2 Optional Gauging Method of Solder-Joint Ends
For gauging the diameter tolerance of male and female ends, the manufacturer may use direct reading instruments instead of ring and plug gauges as specified in para. 13.1. When gauging the diameten of male and female ends. using direct reading instruments, refer to section 9. In case of a dispute. ring/plug gauges shall be used as the referee method.