ASME B16.44:2012 pdf free download

ASME B16.44:2012 pdf free download

ASME B16.44:2012 pdf free download.Manually Operated Metallic Gas Valves for Use in Aboveground Piping Systems Up to 5 psi. Tensile tests shall be conducted on six dumbbells in accordance with ASTM D4l2. Three of the tensile tests shall be conducted on dumbbells exposed in n-lwxarw at 73°F (23°C) for 70 hr in accordance with ASTM 0471. The dumbbells shall have a thickness of 0.OS in. ± (1.008 in. (2.0 mm ± 0.2 mm). The average of the three individual n-hexane tests shall exceed 60% retention of ultimate elongation and 60% retentn,n of tensile strength at break The average of the three tests for the non-aged specimens shall be the basis for the percent volume change calculation.
3.3.3 Elastomer Components — Compression Set. Elastomer parts that may be exposed to fuel gas shall be made From materials having a compression set of no more than 25% after 22 hrat 2lF (100°C). in specimens in accordance with ASTM D395, para. 5.2.
3,3,4 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Materials.
PTFE materials shall comply with ASTM D4894 or 04895,
3.4 Temperature Resistane
The materials used for valve bodies, plugs, bonnets, unions, and other external parts, excluding handles, shall have a solidus temperature in excess of fl’F (427:C). Sals and lubricants are exempt from this n.’tluiremcnt.
3.5 Corrosion Resistance
3.5.1 Indoor Atmosphere. Those parts that an’ provided with automatic compensation for wear shall be corrosion resistant with respect to indoor atmosphere (i.e., humidity and airborne contaminants such as chloride and ammonia).
3.5.2 Salt Spray. Valves designated by the manufacturer for outdoor use shall meet the requirements of this paragraph. Valve ends shall be sealed with appropriate fittings. The valve shall then be exposed for 96 hr to a salt .pray (log) test as specified in ASTM 11117. Salt spray (log) testing temperature shall be maintained between 92°F and 97°F (33°C and 36°C). The saline solution shall consist of 5% sodium chloride and 95’%. distilled water by weight. Following the salt spray (fog) test, the valve shall be removed from the chamber and examined with the unaided eye. The valve shall not show signs of corrosion or other deterioration that affects the function of the valve. Following the salt spray test, the valve shall pass the leak tests specified in paras 52.1 and 5.2.2 and shall open and close on application of a torque not to exceed that specified in Table 3. For valves with one pipe connection and one tubing connection. the lesser of the Iwo torque limits specified in Table 3 shall apply.
4.1 General
The required markings shall be legible and applied so that they will be readily visible and of a permanent nature, such as by embossing, etching. or equivalent means, Adhesive labels are not acceptable for this purpose.
4.2 Name
The manufacturer’s name or trademark shall be shown. Where space permits. th designation “BIbA4” shall be added. The use of the pre1ii ‘ASME” to the Blo,44 designation is optional. The Bl6.44 identification mark designates that th valve was manufactured in conorrnance with this Standard.
4.3 Pressure Rating
Marking for pressure rating shall be shown on the head, stem, or body.