ASME B16.9:2001 pdf free download

ASME B16.9:2001 pdf free download

1.52 Codes and Regulations.A fitting usedunder the jurisdicton of the ASME Boiler and Pessurevesse Code.the ASME Code for Pressure Piping ora govenam大aal regulstion is subject to amy limisationof tat cole o regulation. This includes any mkimum remperalue Mimitstion,o rule goveming te us of amatedal st low Mempature.
1.6 Service Conditions
Criters for selectiom of Etting types and mslerialssuitsble for partioalar fuid service are not within thescope of this Saundard
17 Welding
lstallation welding roquirements are outside thesooe of this Suaodand
18 Quslity Systems
Nonmandatoy reqeirements relafing to the fittingmassfacturers Quasiity System Program se described in Nonmadatocy Appendix A.
For the purpose of detenmining conformnanoe withthis Standand. the conveEon flor axing sigmifcant digitswhere limits, mAtimum or mimimum valurs,are speci-fed shal be rouzded off as defined in ASTM E 29.This requires that an otserved or calculated value shallbe “routded off”to the nelest unlit in the Iiast nght-hant digit wsedin expressing the lisdt. Decinal valuei the last and solerunces do mof imply particulsmethod of measuremeat.
21 Basis of Ratings
The allowable presure ratings for dtings desigmedi aocordace with this Susndand may be calculanod asfor straigha seasnless pipe of oquilvalcnt material (asshoaa bycomparison of oonposition and mechanicalpeopenties in the respoctive smaterial specifcatioss) in accordance with the nsles estsblished in the applicable.