ASME B30.2:2001 pdf free download

ASME B30.2:2001 pdf free download

normal operating conditions (of remote-operatedcranes): conditions during which a crane is performingfunctions within the scope of the original design.Underthese conditions, the operator is at the operating controldevices that are not attached to any part of the crane,and there is no person on the crane.
overload:any load greater than the rated load (seepara. 2-
parts of line:the number of lines of rope supportingthe load block.
pendant station: controls suspended from the cranefor operating the unit from the floor.
primary upper-limit device: the firsi device that,whenactuated, limits hoisting notion in the upward direction.qualified person:a person who, by possession of arecognized degree in an applicable field or a ccrtificatc ofprofessional standing, or who by extensive knowledge,training, and experience, has successfully demonstratedthe ability to solve or resolve problems relating to thesubject matter and work.
rail sweep:a device attached to the crane and locatedin front of the crane’s leading wheeis to remove obstruc-tions.
rated load (capaciryJ:the maximum load designatedby the manufacturer for which a crane or individualhoist is designed and buiit.
reeving:a system in which a rope travels arounddruns or sheaves.
rope:refers io wire rupe unless olierwise specified.rurwy:an assenbly of rails, beams, girders,brackets,and famework on which the cranc travcls.
service platforn: a means provided for workers topcrform maintcnancc,inspections,adjustments,and re-pairs of cranes.
shall: this word indicates that a rule is mandatoryand must be followed.
sheave:a grooved wheel or pulley used with a ropetochange direction and point of application of apulling force.
sheave, nonrurrirg (equalizer): a sheave used toequalize tension in opposite parts of the ropc. Becauseof its slight movcmcnt,it is not termed a runningshcave.
sheave, rurring:a shcavc that rotatcs as the loadblock is lifted or lowered.
should: this word indicates that a rule is a rccommen-dation,the advisability of which depcnds on the factsin cach situation.
side pull:the portion of the hoist pull acting horizon-tally’when thc hoist lines are not operated vertically.sills: horizontal structural members that conncct thelower cnds of two or morc legs of a gantry crane ononc runway.
slash a slash ( denotes and/or and indicates thattwo words are to bc taken together or individually.sparn:the horizontal distance, center to centcr, bctwccnrunway rails.
siop:a device to limit travel of a trollcy or crancbridge. This device normally is attachcd to a fixedstructure and normally does not have energy-absorbingability.
swwitch (valve): a devicc for making,breaking,orchanging the connections in an electric,hydraulic,orpneumatic circuit.
switch,emergency stop:a manually actuated switch todisconnect power independently of the regular operatingcontrols.
switch,limit:a device that is actuated by the motionof a part of a power-driven machine or equipment toalter or disconnect the electric, hydraulic,or pneumaticcircuit associated with the machine or equipment.