ASME B30.26:2004 pdf free download

ASME B30.26:2004 pdf free download

ASME B30.26:2004 pdf free download.Rigging Hardware.
(c) When carbon steel evebolts are to be used at tempera lures above 275°F (135°C) or below 30°F (— 1°C), the hardware manufacturer or a qualified person should be consulted.
26-2.6.2 Chemically Active Environments
The strength of adjustable hardware can be affected by chemically active environments such as caustic or acid substances or fumes. The adjustable hardware manufacturer or a qualified person should be consulted before use in chemically active environments.
Adjustable hardware users shall he trained in the selection. inspection, cautions to personnel, effects of environment, and rigging practices as covered by this Chapter.
26-2.8.1 Initial Inspection
Prior to use, all new, altered, modified, or repaired adjustable hardware shall be inspected by a designated person to verify compliance with the applicable provisions of this Chapter. Written records are not requ i red.
26-2.8.2 Frequent Inspection
(a) A visual inspection shall be performed by the user or other designated person each shift before the adjustable hardware is used. Semi-permanent and inaccessible locations where frequent inspections are not feasible shall have periodic inspections performed.
(h) Conditions such as those listed in para. 26-2.8.4 or any other condition that may result in a hazard shall cause the adjustable hardware to be removed from service. Adjustable hardware shall not be returned to ser’ice until approved by a qualified person.
(c) Written records are not required.
26-2.8.3 Periodic Inspection
(a) A complete inspection of the adjustable hardware shall he performed by a designated person. The adjustable hardware shall be examined for conditions such as those listed in para. 26-2.8.4 and a determination made as to whether they constitute a hazard.
(5) Guidelines for the time intervals are
(a) normal service — yearly
(b) severe service — monthly to quarterly
(c) special service — as recommended by a qualified person
(c) Written records are not required.
26-2.8.4 Removal Criteria
Adjustable hardware shall be removed from service if damage such as the following is present and shall only be returned to service when approved by a qualified person:
(a) missing or illegible identification
(b) indications of heat damage including weld spatter or arc strikes
(c) excessive pitting or corrosion
(d) bent, twisted, distorted, stretched, elongated. cracked, or broken load-bearing components
(e) excessive nicks or gouges
(f) a 10% reduction of the original or catalog dimension at any point
(g) excessive thread damage or wear
(h) evidence of unauthorized welding or modification
(i) for swivel hoist rings, lack of the ability to freely rotate or pivot
(j) other conditions, including visible damage, that cause doubt as to continued use
26-2.8.5 Repairs and Modifications
(k) Repairs, alterations, or modifications shall be as specified by the adjustable hardware manufacturer or a qualified person.
(h) Replacement parts, including nuts, pins, and bolts, shall meet or exceed the original equipment manufacturer’s specifications.