ASME B30.9:2021 pdf free download

ASME B30.9:2021 pdf free download

ASME B30.9:2021 pdf free download.Slings.
This Chapter includes provisions that apply to alloy steel chain slings (see Figure 9-1.0-1),
Alloy steel chain sling users shall he trained in the selection, inspection, cautions to personnel, effects of environment, and rigging practices as covered by this Chapter.
9-1.2.1 ALLoy Chain
The alloy steel chain shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with ASTM A391/A3O1M for Grade 80 chain and ASTM A973JA973M for Grade 100 chain,
9-1.2.2 Fittings
(a) Fittings for alloy steel chain slings shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with ASTM i\952/ A9 52 M.
(b) Makeshift fasteners, hooks, or links formed from holts, rods, or other such fittings shall not he used.
(c) Where used, handles shall he welded to (he master link or hook prior to heat treating according to the recommendations of the sling manufacturer or a qualified
ES 011.
(d) When employed, hooks other than those described in AST ‘1 A952/A952M shall meet the requirements of
ASMF R30.1O.
(e) When employed, rigging hardware other than master links described in ASTM A9S2/A952M shall meet the requirements of ASME 1330.26.
9-1.2.3 Other Components
Slings that employ chain or tittings other than those listed in paras. 9-1.2.1 and 9—1.2.2 may be used. When such components are employed, the sling manufacturer or a qualified person shall provide specific data regarding deviations from the applicable sections of this Chapter. These slings shall comply with all other requirements of this Chapter.
9-1.3.1 Fabrication
(a) Grade 80 and Grade 1 00 alloy steel chain slings shall be fabricated in accordance with ASTM A906/A906M.
(h) For Iihrication of endless sling.s, only welded or mechanical coupling links suitable lot’ the purpose and recommended by the link manufacturer or a qualified person shall he used.
9-13.2 Configurations
(a) Single-leg slings and douhle-leg, triple-leg, and quadruple—leg bridle slings used in straight-line, (:hoker, and basket hitches are covered in this Chapter.
NOTh: A straight-line hitch is commonly ret’erred to as a vertical hitch.
(b) Single- and double-basket slings used in basket hitches are covered in this Chapter.
(c) Other configurations may be used. When used, the sling manufacturer or a qualified person shall provide spe(:itic (lata. These slings shall comply with all other require— inents of this Chapter.
design factor br alloy steel chain slings shall be a minimum of 4.
(a) The sling manufacturer shall establish the sling’s rated load.
(b) At a minimum, the rated load shall he based on the following factors:
(1) component strength
(2) number of legs
(3) design factor
(4) type of hitch (see Figure 9-1.0-1)
(5) angle of loading (see Figure 9-1.5-1)
(c) The rated load of a quad ru plc—leg or double—hasket sling shall not exceed the rated load of a triple-leg sling.