ASME B31.8S:2016 pdf free download

ASME B31.8S:2016 pdf free download

ASME B31.8S:2016 pdf free download.Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines.
Risk analyses for performance-based integrity management programs may also be used as a basis for establishing rnspection intervals. Such risk analyses will require more data elenients than required in Nonniandatory Appendix A and more detailed analyses. The results of these analyses may also be used to evaluate alternative mitigation and prevention methods and their timing.
An initial strategy for an operator with minimal experience using structured risk analysis methods may include adopting a more simple approach for the short term, such as a knowledge-based or a screening relative risk model. As additional data and experience are gained, the operator can transition to a more comprehensive method.
5.7 CharacterIstics of an Effective Risk Assessment Approach
Considenng the objectives summarized in para. 5.3. a number of general characteristics exist that will contribute to the overall effectiveness of a risk assessment for either prescriptive or performance-based integrity management programs. These characteristics shall include the following:
(a) Attributes. Any risk assessment approach shall contain a defined logic and be structured to provide a complete, accurate, and objective analysis of risk Some risk methods require a more rigid structure (and considerably more input data). Knowledge-based methods are less rigorous to apply and require more input from subject matter experts. They shall all follow an established structure and consider the nine categories of pipeline threats and consequences.
(b) Resourcei Adequate personnel and time shall be allotted to permit Implementation of the selected approach and future considerations.
(c) Operating/Mitigation HIstoy. Any risk assessment shall consider the frequency and consequences of past events. Preferably, this should include the subject pipeline system or a similar system, but other industry data can be used where sufficient data is initially not available. In addition, the risk assessment method shall account for any corrective or risk mitigation action that has occurred previously.
(d) Predictive Capability. To be effective, a risk assessment method should be able to identity pipeline integrity threats previously not considered. It shall be able to make use of(or integrate) the dat.a from various pipeline inspections to provide risk estimates that may result from threats that have not been previously recognized as potential problem areas. Another valuable approach Is the use of trending,, where the results of inspections, examinations, and evaluations are collected over time in order to predict future conditions.